NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

Media Alerts: September 2002

  1. August 2002
  2. October 2002
  1. Sweating It Out: U.S. Cities Have 10 More Hot Nights A Year Than 40 Years Ago, Cornell Climate Researchers Discover September 25, 2002

    If you think that summers are getting hotter, you could be right -- depending on where you live. Summers are heating up if you live in or near any major U.S. city. But in rural areas, temperatures have remained relatively constant.

  2. U.S. Cities Have 10 More Hot Nights a Year than 40 Years Ago September 25, 2002

    Summers are heating up if you live in or near any major U.S. city. But in rural areas, temperatures have remained relatively constant. (Cornell University release)

  3. Interpreting a Climate Record from 10,000-year-old Migrating Waters September 12, 2002

    Researchers confirm that waters migrating from the surface can take many tens of thousands of years to reach the water table and they hold a scientific and historical record of global climate change. (American Society of Agronomy release)

  4. New Amazon Forest Monitoring Team: RAINFOR September 9, 2002

    The Amazon Forest Inventory Network (RAINFOR), representing nearly fifty researchers from five Amazonian countries, Europe and the U.S., is a new effort to monitor biomass and dynamics of forests across the entire Amazon basin. (Smithsonian Institution release)