Reporting forms


Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies

Description: This report collects basic financial data from small domestic holding companies on a parent-only basis in the form of a balance sheet, an income statement, and a schedule for certain memoranda items.

OMB: 7100-0128

Purpose: The information is used to assess and monitor the financial condition of parent bank holding companies (BHCs).

Background: The report was initiated as form FR 2352 in 1985 in conjunction with other changes to the FR Y-9 report. When the FR Y-9 was split into the FR Y9C (consolidated) and the FR Y-9LP (parent only) for large BHCs in June 1986, the FR 2352 was extensively revised and renamed the FR Y 9SP. In keeping with the FR Y-9C and FR Y-9LP reporting requirements, the asset-size threshold for filing the FR Y-9SP was increased from $150 million to $500 million effective with the June 2006, report date. Consistent with the Call Report, the content and structure of this report are frequently revised in consideration of developments in the banking industry and changes in supervisory, regulatory, and analytical needs. This report is required under Regulation Y and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 as amended.

Respondent Panel: This report is filed by small BHCs. For purposes of this report, small BHCs are BHCs with total consolidated assets of less than $500 million, except BHCs meeting certain criteria that may be required to file the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y 9C). When such BHCs are tiered BHCs, each of the subsidiary BHCs file separate reports.

Frequency: Semiannually, as of the last calendar day of June and December.

Public Release: Data are published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin and the Federal Reserve's Uniform Bank Holding Company Performance Report (BHCPR). With certain exceptions, microdata are considered public information and are available through the Board's Freedom of Information Office.

Last update: December 10, 2008