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Today in Earthquake History

Today in Earthquake History

Today's Earthquake Fact:
The term seismic seiche was first coined by Anders Kvale in 1955, to describe oscillation of lake levels in Norway and England caused by the Assam earthquake of August, 1950.

October   27

Note: All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.

Year Location Magnitude Comment
1891 Mino-Owari, Japan

~8 Local time: October 28, 6am.
The Great Nobi Earthquake.
Over 7,000 deaths.
The earthquake caused damage over a 4200 square mile area. The quake shook Japan from Toyko to Osaka, killing thousands of people. 130,000 houses were destroyed.
This earthquake may be the largest "on land" earthquake in the modern history of Japan.
1985 Algeria

5.9 Six people killed and damage in the Constantine-Skikda area. Felt in the Annaba-Setif-Souk Ahras area.
From Significant Earthquakes of the World 1985.

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