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Today in Earthquake History

Today in Earthquake History

Today's Earthquake Fact:
The term seismic seiche was first coined by Anders Kvale in 1955, to describe oscillation of lake levels in Norway and England caused by the Assam earthquake of August, 1950.

July   18

Note: All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.

Year Location Magnitude Comment
1635 Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England   Robert Hooke born.
In 1676, the English physicist Robert Hooke published The True Theory of Elasticity or Springiness with the anagram CEIIOSSOTTUU on the title page. The solution to the puzzle is "ut tensio, sic vis" or "as the extension, so is the force." Today we state this as "stress is proportional to strain" and call this Hooke's Law. This is the first fundamental mathematical formulation in modern Seismology.
1969 China

7.3 The workers of the Tientsin zoo began participating in earthquake forecasting in 1968. On the morning of July 18, 1969, they discovered that unusual behavior in many kinds of animals was arousing attention (the swans abruptly left the water, a Manchurian tiger stopped pacing in his cage, a Tibetan yak collapsed, and a panda held its head in its paws and moaned). After collecting these reports they realized that, as well as other factors that might have caused this unusual behavior, it might be a precursor to an earthquake. They felt it was timely to make a report to the city's Earthquake Office. At noon of that day, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred at Pohai.
Abridged from Earthquake Information Bulletin, Volume 10, Number 2.
1991 Romania

5.6 At least 615 houses damaged (VIII) in the Orsova area. Landslides occurred in the epicentral area. Felt strongly in western Romania and (IV) in northwestern Bulgaria. Also felt in southeastern Hungary and in parts of Yugoslavia.
From Significant Earthquakes of the World 1991.
1997 Eastern Caucasus

4.2 About 5,000 houses damaged in the Noyemberyan area, Armenia. Felt (III) at Tbilisi, Georgia.
From Significant Earthquakes of the World 1997.

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