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Today in Earthquake History

Today in Earthquake History

Today's Earthquake Fact:
The term seismic seiche was first coined by Anders Kvale in 1955, to describe oscillation of lake levels in Norway and England caused by the Assam earthquake of August, 1950.

January   5

Note: All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.

Year Location Magnitude Comment
1843 Marked Tree, Arkansas

6.3 A strong earthquake in the New Madrid area.
This earthquake was the strongest to occur in the region since the 1811-12 sequence. Damage was severe at Memphis, Tennessee, where walls cracked, windows broke, and one building collapsed. The earth sank in places near New Madrid, Missouri, and unconfirmed reports state that a lake was formed and several hunters were drowned.
1953 Near Islands, Alaska

7.1 One of the Largest Earthquakes in the United States

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