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Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency Operations Test Exercises -- AEC


  • Oklahoma
    • Agroterrorism FTX (Top Off 4)
  • Louisiana
    • Avian Influenza Response
  • Colorado
    • Adams County Tabletop
  • Arizona
    • Zoonotic AI Outbreak
  • Oregon
    • Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
  • Utah
    • Contaminated Food Incident
    • Agroterrorism in Food Production Industry
    • Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
    • Four Corners Exercise
    • Disaster Animal Response Training
  • North Dakota
    • Long-Term sheltering of animals during an emergency
  • South Dakota
    • Exercise testing readiness and activation of SD Reserve Veterinary Medical Officer Corps
  • Missouri
    • Internal MDA Communications Drill
    • Colony Collapse Disorder Orientation
  • Kansas
    • Regional Response to HPAI Outbreak in Kansas
    • Disaster Preparedness Tabletop (pandemic influenza) for Mid-Americas business leaders
    • 2008 Wolf Creek Emergency Planning Drills
  • Washington
    • Ciablo Bravo
  • Hawaii
    • Hawaii Multi-agency High Path Avian Influenza Plan
  • California
    • NVS AI and Logistic Response


Last Modified: September 24, 2008