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Office of the Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

Service Disabled Veteran Business Strategy

Justice Management Division
Serving Justice - Securing Results

Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Strategy to Implement Executive Order 13360
Strengthening Opportunities in Federal Contracting for Service-Disabled Veteran Businesses

On October 21, 2004, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13360 to strengthen opportunities in Federal contracting for service-disabled veteran businesses (SDVBs). The term “service-disabled veteran business” means a small business concern owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans, as defined in section 3(q) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(q)).

In accordance with the Executive Order, Section 2(a), DOJ’s strategy to implement the SDVB Executive Order is as follows:

Designated Senior-level Official: Mr. Lee J. Lofthus, Acting Assistant Attorney General For Administration

DOJ’s Strategy: The following actions have been taken or will be taken to provide opportunities for SDVBs to significantly increase their contracting and subcontracting opportunities with DOJ.

  • The Assistant Attorney General for Administration is the senior level official responsible for development and implementation of DOJ’s strategy.

  • By May 31, 2005, the strategy will be made publicly available on the website of DOJ’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).

  • Because fiscal year 2005 performance plans for DOJ’s senior managers were already in place when this strategy was developed, beginning in fiscal year 2006, implementation of DOJ’s strategy and achievements in furthering the strategy will be included as significant elements in the performance plans of the designated senior-level official, the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Policy, Management and Planning, the Chief Acquisition Officer, and the Director, OSDBU.

  • DOJ will continue to participate in small business counseling sessions put on by other agencies/departments and trade associations for the benefit of SDVBs to make them aware of DOJ’s prime and subcontracting opportunities. In addition, beginning in fiscal year 2005, DOJ’s OSDBU will hold an annual small business outreach session for the exclusive benefit of SDVBs.

  • Starting in fiscal year 2005, DOJ’s OSDBU will specifically address applicable laws and policies relating to participation of SDVBs in Federal contracting when providing small business training to DOJ contracts and program staffs.

  • By May 31, 2005, DOJ will issue guidance to its contracting officers instructing them to make efforts to identify SDVBs capable of meeting DOJ requirements when conducting market research, and when appropriate, set such requirements aside for SDVBs.

  • Beginning in fiscal year 2005, OSDBU will work with DOJ’s Bureaus to identify specific requirements that can be set-aside for SDVBs.

  • When developing its forecast of contracting opportunities for fiscal year 2006, DOJ will identify specific requirements set-aside for SDVBs.

  • DOJ will promote SDVB participation in its subcontracting program by continuing to make the subcontracting plan part of the evaluation criteria on major projects.

  • Beginning in FY 2005, DOJ will pay particular attention to SDVB subcontracting goals included in prime contractors’ proposed subcontracting plans to make sure the plans comply with the 3 percent statutory goal. In addition, DOJ’s OSDBU will identify prime contractors not meeting the SDVB subcontracting goal and send them letters requesting that they identify their corrective action plans and offering them OSDBU’s assistance in identifying potential SDVB subcontractors.

  • In award fee contracts awarded after September 30, 2005, DOJ will consider setting aside a portion of the award fee for meeting SDVB subcontracting goals as well as meeting other small business subcontracting goals.

  • To increase outreach to SDVBs, DOJ’s OSDBU will link its website to the websites of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Center for Veterans Enterprise (; the Association for Service Disabled Veterans (; and SBA’s Office of Government Contracting ( in fiscal year 2006.

  • Beginning in fiscal year 2006, DOJ’s OSDBU will recognize outstanding SDVBs as well as prime contractors that have done a commendable job subcontracting with SDVBs during its small business awards ceremonies.



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