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PPQ Manuals

Complete List of Electronic Manuals

Aerial Application Manual (PDF; 6.3Mb) [Latest Update: 05/11/07]
Help plan and conduct aerial applications that support domestic, emergency, and biological control programs.

Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Monitoring (AQIM) Handbook (PDF; 1.63Mb) [Latest Update: 10/14/08]
Provides an information source for implementing AQIM at designated work locations, training employees about the basics of risk analysis and risk management, and analyzing information so managers can make better risk-based decisions.

Animal Product Manual (PDF; 20.5Mb) [Latest Update: 08/24/09]
Provides the background, procedures, and regulatory actions to enforce the regulations governing the import and export of animals, animal products, and animal by-products.

Disclaimer of Liability: In using the Animal Product Manual on this web site, the U.S. Government neither warrants nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or procedure disclosed. The primary purpose of this manual is to serve as a regulatory tool for officers. It is only posted for public access as a reference. It is not the intention of Plant Protection and Quarantine to provide specific regulatory advice, but rather to provide the public with information to better understand the regulatory processes for regulating meat and other animal products and by-products. The changing disease status of other countries and constant flux of import regulations, make it impossible to validate every piece of information in this manual. All of the information available in this manual is within the public domain. Therefore, such information in the manual may be freely downloaded and reproduced.

  • Minimal Risk Rule Job Aid - This job aid is associated with the "Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Minimal Risk Rule Training for Customs and Border Protection Agriculture Specialists. (PDF; 78Kb) [Latest Update: 02/21/08]

Biological Control of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug Project Manual [Latest Update: 01/11/06]
Guides USDA personnel and cooperators in setting up and maintaining biological control programs against Pink Hibiscus Mealybug
English (PDF; 7.10Mb) | Spanish (PDF; 7.10Mb)

Canadian Border Agricultural Clearance Manual (PDF; 6.6Mb) [Latest Update: 07/22/09]
Serves as a guide for authorized Federal officers at ports of entry along the Canadian Border. Send all comments or questions to Bruce Attavian.

  • Canadian Border Agricultural Job Aid –This job aid is associated with the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Integrated Training: Threats to Agriculture. The job aid is to enable CBP Officers to regulate noncommercial shipments only.
  • Firewood Job Aid - Helps CBP officers identify firewood as either a hard or softwood.

CITES I-II-III Timber Species Manual (PDF; 7.82Mb) [Latest Update: 06/05/09]
Provides CBP and PPQ personnel with guidelines for the import, re-export, violation, seizure, and forfeiture of CITES Appendix I, Appendix II, and Appendix III protected timber species.

Emergency Programs Manual (PDF; 866Kb) [Latest Update: 09/05/02]
PPQ is in the process of converting its emergency response management to the Incident Command System (ICS). A new manual incorporating ICS will be available in early 2005. The current manual serves as a guide to plan, conduct, and monitor orderly and successful emergency eradication projects against introduced plant pests. However, consult with your Regional Emergency Coordinator on how to properly structure an emergency program response.

Disclaimer of Liability: PPQ is in the process of converting its emergency response management to the Incident Command System (ICS). A new manual incorporating ICS will be available in 2006. The current manual serves as a guide to plan, conduct, and monitor orderly and successful emergency eradication projects against introduced plant pests, however, consult with your Regional Emergency Coordinator on how to properly structure an emergency program response.

Export Program Manual (PDF; 9.3Mb) [Latest Update: 07/21/09]
An operational manual for Authorized Certification Officials to enable them to inspect and issue Federal Export Certificates for plants and plant products. Also provides information that helps exporters meet the plant quarantine import requirements of foreign countries. (First Edition of the Export Program Manual 12/2006-01)

Send all comments to Michael Perry.

Imported Fire Ant Program (PDF; 2.27Mb) [Latest Update: 03/26/04]
Provides PPQ personnel and cooperators with information and procedures for surveys, regulatory actions, and treatments of regulated commodities associated with the Imported Fire Ant Quarantine, (7 CFR 301.81). Send all comments to Charles Brown.

Fruit Fly Systems Approach Guidelines (PDF; 281Kb) [Latest Update: 12/23/03]
Guidelines for Fruit Fly Systems Approach to Support the Movement of Regulated Articles between Mexico and the United States.

Golden Nematode Program Manual (PDF; 2.3Mb) [Latest Update: 08/07/08]
Provides information and procedures for surveys, sample processing, regulatory control, and treatment of regulated commodities associated with golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). Interim Edition.

Grasshopper Guidebook - Provisional (PDF; 1.8Mb)
Serves as a first stop for information for those who manage grasshopper and Mormon cricket survey and suppression programs.

Grasshopper EIS (PDF; 1.67Mb)
Grasshopper Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) This document examines the environmental effects of two suppression alternatives that use insecticides and a no action alternative. [2002]

Gypsy Moth Program Manual (PDF; 2.55Mb) [Latest Update: 10/16/07]
A prototype of the Gypsy Moth Program Manual. Send all comments to Amy Frevert.

Japanese Beetle Program Manual for Airports for(PDF; 1.71Mb) [Latest Update: March 26, 2007]
Provides guidelines to protect the agriculture of the Western United States from the Japanese Beetle, "Popillia japonica".

Karnal Bunt Manual (PDF; 3.69Mb) [Latest Update: 03/08/07]
Provides PPQ personnel and cooperators with a job aid to help them control the spread of Karnal Bunt in the United States.
Users: PPQ officers and cooperators, including personnel from ARS, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas departments of agriculture, and Methods Development.

Manual for Agricultural Clearance (PDF; 5.86Mb) [Latest Update: 08/05/09]
(Formerly known as Airport Maritime Operations Manual--AMOM) Provides CBP personnel working at airport and maritime locations with the guidelines, directions, and policy for clearing carriers and passengers/crew and controlling garbage and cargo.

Mediterranean Fruit Fly Action Plan (PDF; 1.10Mb) [Latest Update: 12/23/03]
Serves as a plan to allow PPQ officers to respond to an infestation of the Mediterranean Fruit fly, commonly known as the Medfly.

Mexican Border Job Aid (PDF; 44 Kb) [Latest Update: 12/28/07]
(Replaces the Mexican Border Manual) Serves as a guide for authorized Federal officers at ports of entry along the Mexican border. Covers regulatory action to take for noncommercial importations originating in Mexico.

National Detector Dog Manual (PDF; 2.68Mb) [Latest Update: 11/28/07]
Serves as a guide for experienced canine officers to assist them in performing their duties, and as a training tool for orienting new canine officers, and general information for secondary users.

Natural Enemies of True Fruit Flies (Tephritidae) (PDF; 811Kb) [Latest Update: 02/27/04]
Provides, as far as is possible, the natural enemies of fruit flies throughout the World. It is limited to fruit pest species, as opposed to leaf, stem and root pest species, following White and Elson-Harris, 1992.

New Pest Response Guidelines
New Pest Response Guidelines provide PPQ personnel and cooperators with guidelines to detect, control, contain, or eradicate an infestation of the following pests:

Nursery Stock Restrictions (PDF; 6.6Mb) [Latest Update: 08/25/09]
This document summarizes the entry status of regulated plant materials capable of and intended for propagation

Importation of Plant Products

Postentry Quarantine Manual for State Inspectors (PDF; 25.93Mb) [Latest Update 08/12/09]
This manual covers procedures for conducting PEQ tasks beginning with the request to approve a growing site and ending with the release or refusal of the plant material.

TAG for the Biological control of Weeds (PDF; 1.63Mb)
Serves as a reference guide for reviewing and evaluating petitions for field release of biological control agents of weeds in the United States, and test plant lists; as a training tool for orienting TAG members; and as general information for other users, such as guidelines for petitioners and researchers.

Treatment Manual (PDF; 11.5Mb) [Latest Update: 08/21/09]
Operational guide for selecting and conducting quarantine treatments. The procedures and treatment schedules in this manual are administratively authorized for use by APHIS to prevent the movement of agricultural pests into or within the United States. Listed treatments include chemical treatments such as fumigation with methyl bromide, and nonchemical treatments with heat, cold, or irradiation.

Approved Treatment Facilities [Latest Update: 10/02/08]