Comment Number: 521602-00011
Received: 04/06/2006 10:42:25 AM
Organization: Grocery Manufacturers Association
Commenter: William MacLeod
State: DC
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Food Industry Marketing Practices to Children and Adolescents
Docket ID: To Be Added
Attachment: 521602-00011.pdf Download Adobe Reader


Food Industry Marketing to Children and Adolescents Report to Congress - Comment Project No. P064504 Dear Sir or Madam: Attached is the Grocery Manufacturers Association's comment in response to the Federal Trade Commission's request for comment on the topic of Food Industry Marketing to Children and Adolescents. We appreciate the work the Commission is doing to understand the complexities of this issue and look forward to working jointly to address any concerns. Sincerely yours, William C. MacLeod