Last Updated
April 15, 2005
Surge Protection Anthology
Launch Page Part 5
Monitoring instruments,
Laboratory measurements, and Test methods
Surges Happen!



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Citations Part 5  will give you a list of all paper citations, with annotations, for the topic category Monitoring instruments, Laboratory measurements, and Test methods. This MSW file can be word-searched for authors and topics.  Direct hyperlinks to accessible individual papers are also shown in displays of the citations.


Note: In contrast with other parts of the Anthology, an All Papers Part 5 file has not been included because the total file size would exceed 40 MB - impractical to download and scroll for most users.  Individual papers are accessible via the hyperlinks shown below.


To download separately the individual papers, listed below:

The pdf files of each individual paper (bit map, not searchable) are generally large, as indicated in the [xx MB] accompanying the filename abbreviation (which is the hyperlink) and the complete paper  title in the following chronological list. Knowing which paper is of interest to you, as determined by your word search or by a seemingly interesting title, you can go directly to that one paper.  To speed-up your search, each pdf file includes thumbnails and bookmarks palettes.  The bookmarks show the section headings and the figure/table numbers corresponding to the figure captions or table titles that are included in the Text Part 5 file.


Rate of rise                Effect of rate of rise on reverse breakdown of silicon diodes (1963)  [0.4 MB]

Surge counter             Low  cost surge counter (1964)  [0.3 MB]

Reverse semicon       Semiconductor performance under reverse transient over-voltages (1964/1967)  [2.0 MB]

Hi-speed recorder       High speed transient recorder (1968)  [0.4 MB]

Impulse testers           High-voltage impulse testers (1975) [0.4 MB]

TCL generator            Transient control level test generators (1977) [01.1 MB]

TCL testing                Transient control level philosophy  & implementation, Pt II: Techniques & equipment for TCL tests(1977) [0.9 MB]

TCL Philosophy         Transient control level philosophy & Implementation, Pt I: Reasoning behind the philosophy (1977) [0.5 MB]

Propagation 1978        Lightning protection of residential AC wiring (1978) [1.4 MB]

Dont kid-kill                Surge testing: Donít kid yourself, donít kill yourself (1988) [0.5 MB]

PQ surveys FFF       Power quality surveys: Facts, fiction, and fallacies (1988) [1.5 MB]

Monitoring PQ           Monitoring power quality (1990) [1.5 MB]

Real waves               Real, realistic ring waves for surge testing (1991) [0.4 MB]

Upsdown surging       Surging the Upside-Down House: Looking into upsetting references (1994) [0.5 MB]

Upsdown measure     Surging the Upside-Down House: Measurement and modeling techniques (1995) [1.0 MB]

Keeping up                Keeping up with the reality of todayís surge environment (1995) [1.0 MB]

Make sense              Surge recordings that make sense: shifting focus from voltage to current measurements (1996) [0.4 MB]

No joules                  No joules for surges: Relevant and realistic assessment of surge stress threats (1996) [0.6 MB]

Joules Yes-No           Surge recordings that make sense: Joules deposition: Yes! - Joule contentí: Never! (1997) [0.8 MB]

Galore                      The fallacy of monitoring surge voltages: SPDs and PCs Galore (1999) [0.8 MB]

Novel transducer        A novel transducer for monitoring surges in AC mains: Expectations and reality (2000) [1.0 MB]

PQ IEC Standard       A new IEC Standard on the measurement of power quality parameters (2000) [0.4 MB]

Lingering legacies        Lingering lead length legacies (2002) [0.4 MB]

BBBSD                    Black boxes, Blind spots, and Disconnectors: How not to test SPDs (2004) [0.3 MB]


Discuss A&E&M       Discussion ëof ìRural AlaskaElectric Power Quality (1985) [0.9 MB]

Discuss A&S            Discussion of ìMonitoring of computer installations for power line disturbances (1974) [0.7 MB]

Discuss O&B            Discussion of ìMeasurement of voltage and current surges on the AC power line in computer and industrial environments (1985) [0.9 MB]

Foust 1931                Instruments for lightning measurements (1931) [2.8 MB]

PQ Monitoring           PQMonitoring: Where do we go from here?  (2002) [7.5 MB]


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