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U.S. Election Assistance Commission

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EAC Standards Board Virtual Meeting Room

[ Click here to enter the meeting room ]

Instructions for Use of the Site

Welcome to the EAC Standards Board Virtual Meeting Room, which will be in use for the first time for a Standards Board Virtual Public Forum beginning on Thursday, May 17, at 7:00 a.m. EDT and ending on Tuesday, May 22, at 7:00 a.m. EDT. The meeting room will be open 24 hours per day. During this time, Standards Board members will review a draft EAC document, Suggested Best Practices for Voter Information and Ballot Designs. Only Standards Board members can post comments and will need to use an assigned user name and password. 
Through the virtual meeting room, Board members will be able to post their comments, view the comments of other members, exchange ideas and ask EAC questions about the draft document. The Standards Board will not be taking any votes on this draft document or at any time during the virtual public forum.
The public will be able to view the document and all comments posted by Board members. The public can also file written comments to the Standards Board at  
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) rules and regulations permit advisory board meetings to be held in whole or part by teleconference, videoconference, the Internet, or other electronic medium. This virtual meeting room has been set up to enable the EAC Standards Board to conduct business between meetings in an efficient and transparent manner that is accessible to the public. Data on EAC’s website is accessible to visitors with disabilities and meets the requirements of section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The Virtual Meeting Room space is an official United States government computer system. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on the site are strictly prohibited and may be subject to criminal prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1995. 
About Draft Document:  
The document you are about to review is a draft report prepared for EAC by Design for Democracy that contains best practices suggestion on the design of voter information, optical scan and direct recording electronic (DRE) ballots based on legislative guidelines, information design principles and user centered research.
It is important to note that this is a very large document. Despite best efforts to capture and correct typographical or grammatical errors before the document was posted, it is likely that there are still errors in the draft. It will be helpful for Standards Board members and others who might spot such errors to note them along with other suggestions and recommendations.
Additionally, Design for Democracy has noted, as a major finding, the importance of offering election materials in color.  Should you elect to print out the templates sections of the document, you will want to do so in color.
Instructions to enter the meeting room
For Standards Board Members
  1. To Log On: Click on the link for Standards Board Members. 
  1. Enter your User Name and Password. Use of a wrong user name will result in denied entrance.
  1. After entering the user name and password, click enter and you will be connected to links to review the eight (8) sections of the Draft Report.  You will be able to read only or download the document and can post comments to each section of the draft report.
For Public Viewing
  1. Click on any one of the eight (8) links to view each section of the draft report and comments posted by Standards Board Members about that section. You may also download the sections of the report.
  1. Written statements to the Standards Board may be filed at Any problems encountered when visiting this site may be emailed or you can call EAC at 1-866-747-1471 and ask for Liria Figueroa-Berrios.
EAC welcomes feedback from the public about this site.