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Department of Mental Health

Philip R. Endress, LCSW, ACSW
Commissioner of Mental Health

The Department of Mental Health oversees mental disability services for over 48,000 Erie County residents each month through contracts with 42 community based agencies, including the Erie County Medical Center and Erie County Departments of Senior Services, Social Services and Youth Services. The Department of Mental Health is administratively responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and monitoring programs of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation involving mental health, mental retardation-developmental disabilities, and alcohol and substance abuse services. A wide range of services and programs are provided within the City of Buffalo and fifteen municipalities throughout Erie County. You can contact the Department at 858-8530 for additional information and preview a listing of agencies under contract with the Department, along with a brief description within this website.

In addition to its primary administrative function, the Department of Mental Health, through its Forensic Mental Health Service, performs referrals, evaluations, and screenings on behalf of Erie County Family Court and Criminal Court Systems. In addition, Forensic Mental Health Service provides follow up treatment for mentally ill individuals under the jurisdiction of the Courts, Probation Department, Correctional Facility and Holding Center. The telephone number for this Service is 858-8095.

The Department of Mental Health also manages the Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Program for Erie County mandated under the recently enacted New York State law commonly referred to as "Kendra's Law". This Program provides an enhanced array of services for eligible consumers over the age of 18 who have a history of non-compliance with treatment. Further information about the Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program is included in this website. You can call 858-8095 for additional information, as well.

The Department also administers Federal and State Grants promoting Service Enhancements for Mentally Ill Children, Drug Free Outpatient Services, Juvenile Delinquent Diversion Services, and McKinney Homeless Mentally Ill Supported Housing funded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).