Comment Number: OL-100010
Received: 11/5/2004 8:09:34 AM
Organization: None
Commenter: Cindy Hennessy
State: IL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Docket ID: RIN 3084-AA94
No Attachments


I do not understand why the FTC is trying to rape the CRAs once again. First, you force them to provide credit reports for free, now you are considering forcing them to provide the scores for free as well? Why don't you go after car dealerships, I would love a brand new car and free gas to top it off! Have you ever considered how much money the CRAs are losing and how many American jobs have been outsouced because of your so called "bright idea" of foceing them to give away their products for free? Please do some reseach by contacting the CRAs before you decide to screw up the economy some more! Also, now that millions of credit reports will be circulating the country, the chances somone will steal a credit report via the mail is now much easier thanks to you! You should be concentrating on making the creditors liable for the fraud that they let happen. But instead, the creditors write it off, increase our interest rate and we are the only ones to pay the price. 4 years ago, I was a victim of fraud. Someone stole my information from my doctors office, ordered a cell phone using my name, dob and ssn and provided thier home address so the phone can be delivered. If the phone company would have taken the time to ask for proof of why the phone was being delivered to an address not on my file, it would have stopped right there, but did not. She was approved, I found out by luck before the phone was delivered. When I asked T-Mobile to press charges, they refused to and said it wasn't worth their time. So, the person who still has my information hasn't been stopped and will probably victimize others because creditors do not pay for being lazy. They allow it to happen. You should consider forcing the creditors to lower their interest rates on all cards they issue. I bet if that happens, they will start double checking the identities of the applicants before they decide to issue out credit, knowing very well that it will inpact their pocket. The creditors are the problems, not the CRAs. Most creditors ignore "fraud statements" and grant criminals credit ALL the time - because it's not really costing the creditors money - they'll just increase our interest rate once again. Think before you act and go after the real problem - the creditors. The CRAs make sure they provide the credit reports to the proper people, why shouldn't the creditors be just as responsible for doing the same?