Commission Actions for February 2004

February 27, 2004

February 25, 2004

February 24, 2004

  • Rambus Incorporated, File No. 011 0017, Docket No. 9302

  • Willes v. State Farm Fire and Casualty Co., et al. No 03-35848 (9th Cir.) On Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Oregon
    • Brief of the Federal Trade Commission as Amicus Curiae Supporting Appellants and Urging Reversal
    • News Release

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Efforts to Combat Unfair and Deceptive Subprime Lending,
    Presented by J. Howard Beales, III, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Before the Special Committee On Aging, United States Senate (February 24, 2004).

February 19, 2004

  • RHI AG, File No. 021-0105, Docket No. C-4005

February 18, 2004

February 17, 2004

  • Rambus Incorporated, File No. 011 00cket No. 9302

  • Opinion of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit holding that:
    • 1) the do-not-call list is a valid commercial speech regulation under Central Hudson because it directly advances substantial governmental interests and is narrowly tailored
    • 2) the registry fees telemarketers must pay to access the list are a permissible measure designed to defray the cost of legitimate government regulation;
    • 3) it was not arbitrary and capricious for the FCC to adopt the established business relationship exception; and
    • 4) the FTC has statutory authority to establish and implement the national do-not-call registry.

  • Federal Trade Commission v. Shaun Melville, defendant., (United States District Court, Central District of California), EDCV. 03-0030 VAP (Sglx)
  • Sunshine Act Report for 2002
    • Text of the Report [PDF 30K]

February 13, 2004

February 11, 2004

February 10, 2004

February 9, 2004

February 6, 2004

February 4, 2004

February 3, 2004

  • Federal Trade Commission Congressional Budget Justification: Fiscal Year 2005 (February 2004)
  • In the Matter of America Online, Inc. and Compuserve Interactive Services, Inc.
    Docket No. C-4105,
    File No. 002 3000
  • Tenet Healthcare Corporation and Frye Regional Medical Center, Inc., File No. 021 0119

  • Federal Trade Commission, plaintiff, V. 1492828 Ontario Inc., d/b/a First Capital Consumers Group, US Guardian United Consumers, Trans America United Benefits Group, Transglobal National Consumers Group, and First Guardian National Benefits, 1533649 Ontario Inc., d/b/a Inter Office Marketing Services, Capital Communications, US Guardian United Consumers, Trans America United Benefits Group, Transglobal National Consumers Group, and First Guardian National Benefits, David Dalglish, Leslie Anderson, Lloyd Prudenza, Mark Lennox, and Paul Schroeder, d/b/a Paul Schroeder & Associates, PS&A, and Your Benefitz, defendants, In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, Civil Action No. 02 C 7456
    • Stipulated Order for Permanent Injunction and Final Judgment Against Defendant Leslie Anderson
    • Order for Permanent Injunction and Final Judgment Against Defendants 1492828 Ontario Inc., 1533649 Ontario Inc., David Dalglish, Lloyd Prudenza and Mark Lennox [PDF 560K]
    • News Release

February 2, 2004

Last Modified: Friday, 01-May-2009 11:24:00 EDT