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Bureau of Land Management's
Land & Mineral Legacy Rehost 2000 System - LR2000

The Bureau of Land Management's Legacy Rehost System called LR2000 provides reports on BLM land and mineral use authorizations for oil, gas, and geothermal leasing, rights-of-ways, coal and other mineral development, land and mineral title, mining claims, withdrawals, classifications, and more on federal lands or on federal mineral estate.

The following types of reports are available in LR2000:

  • New Reports:
  • Serial Register Page - provides all online information about the authorization including status, geographic location, authorized land, customer information, acreage, dates (effective, expiration, etc), and other information.
  • Customer Information Reports - provides all the authorizations, mining claims, etc. for a customer.
  • Geographic Reports - provides a listing of authorizations, mining claims, title, etc. within a specific geographic area and may include serial number, acreage, authorized land, customer info, federal agency, authorization type and disposition (active, closed, pending, etc). Statistical reports for an area can also be run. More ...

LR2000 Legacy Rehost 2000 system
System Requirements

  • IE v6+, or Firefox
  • Enable TLS 1.0
  • Enable popups
  • Enable Scripting

LR2000 Information and Help Guides to get you started:

LR2000 provides access to the following systems.To run reports you will need to know which of the following systems the information you are looking for is in:

  • Case Recordation (CR) contains information on land and mineral use authorizations, title, withdrawals, classifications, and more issued by the BLM on federal actions affecting public lands of the United States. More ...
  • Mining Claim Recordation (MC) contains information on unpatented mining claims located on federal lands.     More ...
  • Status contains information on withdrawals, land classifications, and title transfer documents issued mainly before 1984. Title documents transferred lands in and out of government ownership. More ...
  • Legal Land Description (LLD) contains cadastral survey data and other information such as state, county, BLM field office, and surface management agencies (BLM, Forest Service, etc.). More ...

Land and Mineral Map Viewer

National Integrated Land System (NILS) - GeoCommunicator -
Land & Mineral Use Records Viewer

Want to view, search, and access your land and mineral records using an Interactive map viewer?
NILS GeoCommunicator interactive map viewer allows you to search and display most of the land and mineral, status, and mining claims records along with a variety of reference maps including surface management agency boundaries, T/R/Sec/Aliquot, rivers, roads, topo maps, and imagery.

You can link from GeoCommunicator directly to LR2000 to get a serial register page or a township geographic report. GeoCommunicator is meant to compliment LR2000 with mapping capabilities not replace it. LR2000 is the definitive source for the records.

To see a record from LR2000 on a map, click the MapIt button on the serial register page to bring up the record on NILS GeoCommunicator's interactive map.

For more information on using GeoCommunicator's Land and Mineral viewer read our how to guide or go to GeoCommunicator and select "Land and Mineral Use Records".
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Last updated: 08-24-09