BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Iraq Local time: 11:06 AM

Services for U.S. Companies

Our Services: Counseling, Modified IPS, Alternative ICP and Advocacy

Don't let the fact that we cannot provide all the usual U.S. Commercial Services in Iraq affect your interest this market.  To quote our 2009 Country Commercial Guide, "Iraq is likely to be among the fastest growing and most lucrative mid-sized markets in the world."  To learn more about doing business in Iraq see our Country Commercial Guide - the first, post-conflict report about doing business in Iraq, from the experts on the ground! 

International Partner Search - MODIFIED VERSION

The International Partner Search is a report designed to assist U.S. firms find reliable agents, representatives, distributors or partners for their products and or services in foreign markets. more...

Customized Market Research NOT AVAILABLE IN IRAQ

The Customized Market Reseach (CMR) service is not available in Iraq at this time. Please check back from time to time for undates on the CMR and other services. more...

International Company Profile - NOT AVAILABLE IN IRAQ

Check out our alternative... more...

Business Talks