Comment Number: 539814-00585
Received: 1/13/2009 2:13:25 PM
Commenter: Mike Foringer
State: PA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FTC Town Hall to Address Digital Rights Management Technologies - Event Takes Place Wednesday, March 25, 2009, in Seattle


DRM should never have existed. It doesn't stop anyone from pirating anything, only hampers the legitamate users. I have DVD's that I legally purchased that I can't watch on my computer. I have games that force me to uninstall them before formatting my computer or else I lose my rights to use them. Even my COMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEM makes me call in every single time I need to reinstall it. This is a hassle to everyone. The people who pirate these things end up stripping out DRM anyway, and get a better product for it! I purchased the software, so let me use it how *I* want to. If you want to treat users like criminals, look at what happened to the music industry. DRM does not hurt pirates. It only hurts end users, the trust and respect of the company and the companies bottom line for having to pay for a protection system that isn't going to stop anything. Just say NO to DRM