Comment Number: 539814-00128
Received: 1/8/2009 9:42:38 PM
Organization: Meta-Games Unlimited
Commenter: Jeff Winters
State: MO
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FTC Town Hall to Address Digital Rights Management Technologies - Event Takes Place Wednesday, March 25, 2009, in Seattle


My personal belief, and the belief conveyed to me by many of our customers is that the current way DRM is applied to PC software does not allow the buyer to own the game in the traditional sense of ownership. The way DRM has been applied in the past year or so makes buying computer software feel a lot more like renting a game than owning it, which inevitabley is deterring sales and having negative impacts on PC gaming. I would feel much better if companies would follow the Steam and Blizzard models as apposed to making games uninstallable after only a few installs.