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The National Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT) is a part of EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). Located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, NCCT coordinates and implements EPA's research in the field of computational toxicology. NCCT scientists serve as scientific reviewers and advisors by providing technical assistance to other Laboratories and Centers within ORD, to EPA Program Offices and Regions, and to the states. Additionally, NCCT serves as a source of training in computational toxicology by offering seminars, mini-courses, symposia, and staff details.

NCCT is committed to collaborating with other governmental and private organizations to leverage external resources whose complementary expertise can help EPA accelerate progress in high priority research areas. NCCT works closely with the STAR-funded Center for Environmental Bioinformatic Research to provide tools and training to broader scientific audiences and sponsors external research in the field of computational toxicology conducted in support of EPA's mission.

Read more about the science of Computational ToxicologyRead more about the science of Computational Toxicology

bullet image $3.2M Awarded to the University of Houston for a Comp-Tox Developmental Toxicity Center (8.19.09)

EPA has awarded $3.2M to the University of Houston to develop a virtual developmental toxicity research center with Texas A&M and the University of Indiana. The Texas Indiana Virtual STAR (TIVS) Center will contribute to the evolution of more reliable chemical risk assessments by developing high throughput in vitro and in silico screening models of developmental toxicity. The models will use zebrafish embryonic stem cells to analyze the effects of toxic chemicals on the developing embryo. Read the full article.

bullet image NCCT Welcomes Two Scientists to our Fellowship Program (6.17.09)

NCCT welcomes Drs. Egeghy and DeWoskin on a scientist rotation for the next four to six months in The Computational Toxicology Rotational Fellowship Program. Dr. Peter Egeghy comes to us from the National Exposure Research Laboratory and Robert Dewoskin comes to us from the National Center for Environmental Assessment. Read the full article.

bullet image Scientists Convene to Discuss New Method to Study How Toxic Chemicals Impact Human Health (5.29.09)

More than 200 scientists, regulators, and policy makers from around the world convened recently at EPA's first ToxCast™ Data Analysis Summit to discuss results of the first phase of ToxCast™. ToxCast™ is an innovative approach for profiling how chemicals in our environment impact important biological pathways that are critical for the function of the body's systems such as the heart, lungs, brain or reproductive organs. Read the complete news release.

bullet image 2009 Computational Toxicology BOSC Review Dates Are Set... (6.2.09)

The CompTox BOSC Review will be held September 29-30 in RTP, NC. The BOSC committee will conduct the forth review of the Center to continue advising on our progress to date and success in fulfilling our mission and strategic goals.

bullet image New and Improved DSSTox Structure Browser for Chemical Analog Searching (8.12.09)

The DSSTox Structure Browser v2.0 includes a number of new features to facilitate flexible text (Chemical Name, CAS) and chemical structure searching through 11 published DSSTox Data Files, currently spanning over 6000 chemical structures. New to the Browser are External link-outs based on chemical structure to public resources that include: PubChem, ChemSpider, Lazar In Silico Toxicology, and soon-to-be-activated, ACToR. More Information on DSSTox Structure Browser Update v2.0.

bullet image ToxCast™ Research Program Update

The first phase of ToxCast™ has generated over 10 in vitro datasets, including ~500 assays run on 320 chemicals. These in vitro data are being used to derive predictive signatures for the in vivo toxicities captured in ToxRefDB. The ToxCast™ homepage provides links to datasets, manuscripts, and opportunities for partnering with this exciting research program. Read more

bullet image Computational Toxicology Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan

ORD's Computational Toxicology Research Program Implementation Plan lays out the rationale and short to medium term objectives of the research program in computational toxicology.

The plan discusses the three main components of the program, and details the research issue and relevance, experimental approach, progress to date and milestones over the next three years for each.
Read the Full Implementation Plan (PDF, 100 pp., 930 kb, About PDF)

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