Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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BTS Analysis Finds Commercial Intercity Transportation Serves Most Rural Areas

BTS 16-03
Dave Smallen

Friday, August 8, 2003 -- Ninety-four percent of the 82 million rural residents of the United States live within the service area of scheduled air, intercity rail or bus passenger service, according to a new mapping analysis by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).

The BTS analysis found gaps in transportation service in every state except Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. More than one-third of the rural population -- 30 million people -- live within the service area for all three modes, a level of access that people in urbanized areas might normally expect.

BTS defined service area as a 25-mile radius around bus or rail stations or small airports, and a 75-mile radius for medium and large hub airports.

BTS plans to release a series of analytical reports on availability of intercity transportation in rural areas beginning this month.

A national map showing areas where residents have and lack intercity transportation access can be found at www.bts.gov.

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