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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Planning Department Overview

Vision Statement

The Planning Department provides leadership to facilitate sustainable growth and development in our city.

Mission Statement

The Planning Department will play a key role in developing the tools to implement and manage the future growth of Albuquerque.


Building and Safety

Harry Dempsey, Chief Building Official


The Building and Safety Division administers the building permit process for residential and commercial construction. This is a fundamental process for ensuring the protection of life and property.  The process begins with the submittal of construction documents which are reviewed for compliance with applicable building codes and standards.  Approved projects are issued a building permit, allowing construction to begin.  The Division also conducts field inspections to monitor compliance.  The inspection process culminated with the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.

For more information regarding building permits, contact the Building and Safety Division, Plan Review Section at 505-924-3963.  The Division is located in the basement of Plaza del Sol Building on the west side of the building.


Development Review Services

Richard Dourte, City Engineer/Division Manager 


The Development Review Services Division administers the processing and regulation of development services related to subdivision design and permitting for the Planning Department One Stop Shop, the first source of information and advice regarding many other development requests.

Division staff accepts applications for various subdivision activities, scheduled for hearing by the Development Review Board (DRB).  The DRB is composed of City staff professionals who have final approval authority unless appealed.  The Division staff also processes applications concerning land development matters for hearings before the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC), the Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission (LUCC).  Applications are available online here.

Appeals of various board decisions are accepted at the front counter, along with site development plan approvals/amendments, text amendments, and amendments to other adopted plans including the Comprehensive Zoning Code and the Subdivision Ordinance.  In addition, staff processes new water meter services and construction plans for public infrastructure projects required as a condition of subdivision and/or site plan approval.


Code Enforcement

Matthew A. Conrad, Division Manager


The Code Enforcement Division is a combination of two former Divisions - Zoning Enforcement and Housing Code Enforcement.  The mission of the Division is to regulate the occupancy  level and maintenance of all residential structures within the City in order to safeguard life, health, property and public water.  Albuquerque Code Enforcement also enforces the Uniform Housing Code to ensure that dwelling units in the City are decent, safe and sanitary.  Enforcing the Uniform Housing Code consists of working with tenants and concerned neighborhood associations and accepts referrals from other agencies.  This Division is also responsible for administering and implementing other City Codes and Ordinances, including the Comprehensive City Zoning Code.

Code Enforcement issues zoning citations and reviews all building permit applications for compliance.  Development standards administered by this Division include landscaping, parking, setbacks, signs and business licenses.  This Division also enforces compliance of the Water Conservation Landscaping and Waste Water Ordinance as well as the Weed and Litter Ordinance.  The Division assists with business registrations and plays a major role in the Mayor’s Nuisance Abatement Task Force.


Office of Administrative Hearings

Roberto Albertorio, Esquire


A Special Exception request is now part of The Office of Administrative Hearings and was created as part of the FY/07 budget process to provide a single site within City government for all administrative Hearings required or allowed by Statute or Ordinance.   A Public Hearing is conducted for special exceptions to the Zoning Code.   A special exception is the allowance to  develop property in a manner different from what is prescribed by a particular zone category.  Special exceptions include variances, conditional uses and expansion of non-conforming uses.  After a special exception is filed, all interested parties are given the opportunity to participate in a Public Hearing.  Requests are given due consideration toward the final determination of approval, approval with conditions or denial.


Current Planning

Russell Brito, Division Manager


The Current Division provides staffing to several land use boards, including the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC), the City’s principal development review and planning board.  The EPC has authority on zone change requests, site development plans and similar applications; it makes recommendations to City Council on annexations and other matters.  The Division also staffs the Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission (LUCC), the City’s Historic Preservation Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals (BOA).

The Current Planning Division coordinates and administers various procedures and services relating to land development, including the authority to approve minor modifications to approved plans.  The Development Process Executive Committee is charged with administering the development review process citywide.  This committee, staffed by the Current Planning Division, ensures that the comprehensive manual of development procedures (DPM) remains up-to-date.  The Development Review Division also maintains a depository (file room) of applications that have been heard by various City boards; the file room is open to the public.


Office of Neighborhood Coordination

Patrick Montoya, Division Manager


The Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) serves as a liaison between neighborhood associations and City government. The Division publishes a monthly  newsletter,  Neighborhood News,  that provides information between neighborhoods and local government.

The Division provides a series of training workshops on topics such as Land Use, Zoning Issues and other relevant topics.  ONC is responsible for implementation of the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance.  This Ordinance (O-92) defines the process by  which the City organizes and officially  recognizes  neighborhood associations who meet the  requirements of  the ordinance. The Division coordinates notification to  recognized and non-recognized neighborhoods or homeowner associations and from applicants who apply for zone changes, site development  plans and liquor licenses prior to the City’s acceptance of  such  requests. 


Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency

Cynthia Borrego, Division Manager


The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, a Division of the Planning Department, promotes redevelopment  (residential and commercial) in distressed neighborhoods.  This is accomplished through strategic planning, creating Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas, working with community groups and leaders to establish their priorities, purchasing property for projects that can act as an anchor for other new development in the area, issuing Requests for Proposals to develop City owned property and then set up public/private partnerships where the private sector is the developer.  


Long Range Planning

Carmen Marrone, Division Manager


This Division is responsible for developing plans, policies and programs designed to guide the physical development of Albuquerque.  As the Division’s name suggests, work often has a long-range orientation toward improving the quality of life for Albuquerque residents.  Community participation is a key component.  The Division works with the community to articulate ideas and develop goals, which are then translated into policy. Extensive coordination with various government agencies and private sector interests is also a critical element of the Division’s work, as is on-going public policy analysis.

The Comprehensive Plan, the over-arching guide for the development of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, is the Division’s pre-eminent planning responsibility.  Other Division responsibilities include developing Area and Sector Plans, administering the City’s Historic Preservation and Urban Design Programs,  maintaining and providing data to the public including the 2000 Census.


Albuquerque Geographic Information System

Michelle Gricius, Division Manager


Albuquerque Geographic Information System (AGIS) is the primary GIS group in the City of Albuquerque. AGIS is a Division of the Planning Department.  AGIS maintains and updates dozens of layers of geographic information in a computerized format. Geographic analysis of this data provides City officials a better understanding of existing conditions in Albuquerque, improving their ability to deliver services to Albuquerque citizens.   Beyond maintaining and updating information, AGIS creates custom maps and searches its layers of data for specific information. AGIS makes special maps for the Planning Department, all other City Departments, the City Council, and other government agencies. For the general public, AGIS publishes the City Zone Atlas and keeps a list of standard maps available at a reasonable cost. For access to online information for such topics as polling places, existing and proposed bike paths and fire stations, please check the GIS website at <>.

Department Management At A Glance

Richard W. Dineen, AIA , Planning Director, 505-924-3353

Neal Weinberg, Associate Director, 505-924-3340

Richard Dourte, P.E., City Engineer, Development Review Services, 505-924-3999

Roberto Albertorio, Esq. Zoning Hearing Examiner, 505-924-3917

Matthew Conrad, Manager, Code Enforcement, 505-924-3450

Harry Dempsey, Chief Building Official, Building & Safety Division, 505-924-3314

Patrick Montoya, Manager, Office of Neighborhood Coordination, 505-924-3908

Jack Cloud, AICP, Manager, Land Development Coordination, 505-924-3880

Russell Brito, Manager, Current Planning, 505-924-3337

Cynthia Borrego, MPA, Manager, Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, 505-924-3335

Carmen Marrone, Manager, Long Range Planning, 505-924-3814

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