Colorado Economic Recovery and Accountability




The FAQ section features a list of questions that will help people better understand how the Recovery Act can impact them and their communities.  This list is updated frequently as we are constantly receiving new information.  By visiting this page and clicking 'subscribe to this feed' you can receive notice of future updates.


Contracts Awarded 


The Contracts Awarded section features a list of contractors who have been awarded contracts under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  This list is updated frequently as we are constantly receiving new information.  By visiting this page and clicking 'subscribe to this feed' you can receive notice of future updates.


Small Businesses


The Small Business section features resources specifically for small businesses to find out more how the Recovery Act impacts them. This section will be continuously updated as more information comes available.




The Maps section currently features two mapping applications.  Colorado Department of Transportation has created a map with all of its projects listed.  You can click on an individual project to find out more information.


This section also features the "Four Corner Perspective" map.  This map contains information about Recovery funds coming to Colorado from a wide range of source including state departments, federal agencies and individual grant opportunities.  Information about the funds can be viewed on a county by county basis or by projects.




This section contains several visual representations of the Recovery Act's impact in Colorado.  Most notably, the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund has several charts show where the money is being spent and which institutions are receiving funds.


Grant Opportunities


Like the FAQ section, this section is updated frequently with information on Grant opportunities related to the Recovery Act.  This is not a comprehensive list as there are many new opportunities available.  If you know about one that is not listed here, feel free to let us know using the Contact Us page.




This section contains many links to State, Local and Federal websites where users can find out even more details about how the Recovery Act is impacting Colorado and the nation.


Documents and Certifications


The Documents and Certifications contains all official documents and certifications required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.