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Energy Resources Division (ERD)

Brookhaven's Energy Resources Division (ERD) is part of the Energy Sciences & Technology Department. Work in ERD spans a broad range of fuel, renewable energy resources, and energy efficiency projects. The division has three groups:

Dr. Thomas A. Butcher (Head)
Phone: (631) 344-7916

  • Energy Efficient Buildings Dr. Thomas A. Butcher (Group Leader)
    Program Areas: residential heating systems, thermal distribution (ducts), burner development, advanced oil burner concepts, high efficiency oilheat technology, microcogeneration, and analysis of building energy efficiency technologies.
  • Advanced Fuels Dr. Devinder Mahajan (Group Leader)
    Program Areas: hydrogen storage, petroleum geochemistry, fuel production and storage for natural gas-powered heavy vehicles, catalysts for natural gas-to-liquids conversions, methane hydrates, and production of ultraclean fuels.
  • Renewable Energy Projects - Dr. Toshi Sugama (Group Leader)
    Program Areas: biodiesel and other liquid biofuels, materials for geothermal power systems, concrete and grout development, corrosion coatings, geothermal heat pumps, dynamic analysis of wind turbine structures, nondestructive testing, and computational mechanics.

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Last Modified: March 18, 2008
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