RBRC Workshop Proceedings

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Volume 93 - PHENIX Spinfest School 2009 at BNL - July 1 -31, 2009. BNL-90343-2009
                 Link: PHENIXSpinfestSchool2009@BNL
Volume 92 - PKU-RBRC Workshop on Transverse Spin Physics. June 30 - July 04, 2008 - BNL-81685-2008
Volume 91 - RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting. Nov. 17 & 18, 2008 - BNL-81556-2008
Volume 90 - PHENIX Spinfest School 2008 at BNL. August 4-8, 2008 - BNL-81478-2008
Volume 89 - Understanding QGP through Spectral Functions and Euclidean Correlators, April 23-25, 2008 - BNL-81318-2008
Volume 88 - Hydrodynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions and QCD Equation of State. April 21-22, 2008 - BNL-81307-2008
Volume 87 - RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting – BNL-79570-2007
Volume 86 – Global Analysis of Polarized Parton Distributions in the RHIC Era. October 8, 2007 – BNL-79457-2007
Volume 85 – Parity Violating Spin Asymmetries at RHIC-BNL. April 26-27, 2007 – BNL – 79146-2007
Volume 84 – Domain Wall Fermions at Ten Years. March 15-17, 2007 -  BNL-77857-2007
Volume 83 – QCD in Extreme Conditions. July 31-August 2, 2006 – BNL-76933-2006
Volume 82 – RHIC Physics in the Context of the Standard Model. June 18-23, 2006 – BNL-76863-2006
Volume 81 – Parton Orbital Angular Momentum (Joint RBRC/University of New Mexico Workshop). February 24-26, 2006 – BNL-75937-2006
Volume 80 – Can We Discover the QCD Critical Point at RHIC? March 9-10, 2006 – BNL 75692-2006
Volume 79 – Strangeness in Collisions. February 16-17, 2006 – BNL-79763-2008
Volume 78 – Heavy Flavor Productions and Hot/Dense Quark Matter. December 12-14, 2005 – BNL-76915-2006
Volume 77 – RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting. October 10-12, 2005 – BNL- 52649-2005
Volume 76 – Odderon Searches at RHIC. September 27-29, 2005 – BNL-75092-2005
Volume 75 – Single Spin Asymmetries. June 1-3, 2005 – BNL-74717-2005
Volume 74 – RBRC QCDPC Computer Dedication and Symposium on RBRC QCDOC. May 26, 2005 – BNL-74813-2005  
Volume 73 - Jet Correlations at RHIC. March 10-11, 2005 - BNL-73910-2005
Volume 72 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XXXI (January 14, 2005), XXXII (February 10, 2005), XXXIII (March 11, 2005) - BNL-73866-2005
Volume 71 - Classical and Quantum Aspects of the Color Glass Condensate - BNL-73793-2005
Volume 70 - Stongly Coupled Plasmas:  Electromagnetic, Nuclear & Atomic - BNL-73867-2005
Volume 69 - RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting - BNL-73546-2004
Volume 68 - Workshop on the Physics Programme of the RBRC and UKQCD QCDOC Machines - BNL-73604-2004
Volume 67 - High Performance Computing with BlueGene/L and QCDOC Architectures - BNL-
Volume 66 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting XXIX, October 8-9, 2004, Torino, Italy - BNL-73534-2004
Volume 65 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XXVII (July 22, 2004), XXVIII (September 2, 2004) - BNL-73506-2004
Volume 64 - Theory Summer Program on RHIC Physics - BNL-73263-2004
Volume 63 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XXIV (05/21/04), XXV (05/27/04), XXVI (06/01/04) - BNL-72397-2004
Volume 62 - New Discoveries at RHIC, May 14-15, 2004 - BNL-72391-2004
Volume 61 - RIKEN-TODAI Mini Workshop on "Topics in Hadron Physics at RHIC", March 23-24, 2004 - BNL-72336-2004
Volume 60 - Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature and Density - BNL-72083-2004
Volume 59 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting XXI, XXII, XXIII - BNL-72382-2004
Volume 58 - RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting XX - BNL-71900-2004
Volume 57 - High pt Physics at RHIC, December 2-6, 2003 - BNL-72069-2004
Volume 56 - RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting - BNL-71899-2003
Volume 55 - Collective Flow and QGP Properties - BNL-71898-2003
Volume 54 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XVII, XVIII, XIX - BNL-71751-2003
Volume 53 – Theory Studies for Polarized pp Scattering - BNL-71747-2003
Volume 52 – RIKEN School on QCD, "Topics on the Proton" - BNL-71694-2003
Volume 51 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XV, XVI – BNL-71539-2003
Volume 50 – High Performance Computing with QCDOC and BlueGene – BNL-71147-2003
Volume 49 – RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting – BNL-52679
Volume 48 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting XIV – BNL-71300-2003
Volume 47 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings XII, XIII – BNL-71118-2003
Volume 46 – Large-Scale Computations in Nuclear Physics using the QCDOC – BNL-52678
Volume 45 – Summer Program: Current and Future Directions at RHIC – BNL-71035
Volume 44 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meetings VIII, IX, X, XI – BNL-71117-2003
Volume 43 – RIKEN Winter School – Quark-Gluon Structure of the Nucleon and QCD – BNL-52672
Volume 42 – Baryon Dynamics at RHIC – BNL-52669
Volume 41 – Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD – BNL-52674
Volume 40 – Theory Studies for RHIC-Spin – BNL-52662
Volume 39 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting VII – BNL-52659
Volume 38 – RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting – BNL-52649
Volume 37 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting VI (Part 2) – BNL-52660
Volume 36 – RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting VI – BNL-52642
Volume 35 – RIKEN Winter School – Quarks, Hadrons and Nuclei – QCD Hard Processes and the Nucleon Spin – BNL-52643
Volume 34 – High Energy QCD: Beyond the Pomeron – BNL-52641
Volume 33 – Spin Physics at RHIC in Year-1 and Beyond – BNL-52635
Volume 32 – RHIC Spin Physics V – BNL-52628
Volume 31 – RHIC Spin Physics III & IV Polarized Partons at High Q^2 Region – BNL 52617
Volume 30 – RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting – BNL-52603
Volume 29 – Future Transversity Measurements – BNL-52612
Volume 28 – Equilibrium & Non-Equilibrium Aspects of Hot, Dense QCD – BNL-52613
Volume 27 – Predictions and Uncertainties for RHIC Spin Physics & Event Generator for RHIC Spin Physics III – Towards Precision Spin Physics at RHIC – BNL-52596
Volume 26 – Circum-Pan-Pacific RIKEN Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics – BNL-52588
Volume 25 – RHIC Spin – BNL-52581
Volume 24 – Physics Society of Japan Biannual Meeting Symposium on QCD Physics at RIKEN BNL Research Center – BNL-52578
Volume 23 – Coulomb and Pion-Asymmetry Polarimetry and Hadronic Spin Dependence at RHIC Energies – BNL-52589
Volume 22 – OSCAR II: Predictions for RHIC – BNL-52591
Volume 21 – RBRC Scientific Review Committee Meeting – BNL-52568
Volume 20 – Gauge-Invariant Variables in Gauge Theories – BNL-52590
Volume 19 – Numerical Algorithms at Non-Zero Chemical Potential – BNL-52573
Volume 18 – Event Generator for RHIC Spin Physics – BNL-52571
Volume 17 – Hard Parton Physics in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions – BNL-52574
Volume 16 – RIKEN Winter School - Structure of Hadrons - Introduction to QCD Hard Processes – BNL-52569
Volume 15 – QCD Phase Transitions – BNL-52561
Volume 14 – Quantum Fields In and Out of Equilibrium – BNL-52560
Volume 13 – Physics of the 1 Teraflop RIKEN-BNL-Columbia QCD Project First Anniversary Celebration – BNL-66299
Volume 12 – Quarkonium Production in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions – BNL-52559
Volume 11 – Event Generator for RHIC Spin Physics – BNL-66116
Volume 10 – Physics of Polarimetry at RHIC – BNL-65926
Volume 9 – High Density Matter in AGS, SPS and RHIC Collisions – BNL-65762
Volume 8 – Fermion Frontiers in Vector Lattice Gauge Theories – BNL-65634
Volume 7 – RHIC Spin Physics – BNL-65615
Volume 6 – Quarks and Gluons in the Nucleon – BNL-65234
Volume 5 – Color Superconductivity, Instantons and Parity (Non?)-Conservation at High Baryon Density – BNL-65105
Volume 4 – Inauguration Ceremony, September 22 and Non -Equilibrium Many Body Dynamics –BNL-64912
Volume 3 – Hadron Spin-Flip at RHIC Energies – BNL-64724
Volume 2 – Perturbative QCD as a Probe of Hadron Structure – BNL-64723
Volume 1 – Open Standards for Cascade Models for RHIC – BNL-64722

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Last Modified: August 13, 2009

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