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Japan Local time: 06:08 PM

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What's New! 

Japan and U.S. Announce Regulatory Reform Initiative Results

On July 6, the United States and Japan released the 86-page Report to the Leaders, which is prepared at the conclusion of each annual round of the U.S.-Japan Regulatory Reform Initiative. The Report documents the results of work to promote more open markets, ensure fairer competition, and improve the climate for U.S. exporters and service providers in the world's second largest economy. More ...

Finding Your Partners:

Interested in doing business in Japan?

Meet pre-screened buyers through our trade missions, Gold Key Service, FUSE webposting service, or personalized business meetings.
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Trade Events:

Participating in prominent trade events is a great way to meet prospects and demonstrate your dedication to the market, important elements of doing business in Japan.

USA Pavilion in N-EXPO Kansai 2009 (September 3-5, 2009)

U.S. Pavilion at Risk Control in Tokyo (RISCON) 2009 (October 21-23, 2009)


Market Research:

Get key insights on market trends and other important elements of doing business in Japan.

Title: Children's Books and Educational Materials
Industry: Education/Training Services

Title: Anti-Aging and Other Medicated Skincare Products
Industry: Cosmetics/Toiletries

Title: Soil Remediation Market in Western Japan
Industry: Environmental Services

Click here to access the U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library and to learn more about doing business in Japan.

Consulting and Advocacy:

Get expert help at every step of the export process and on doing business in Japan with our consulting and market access services.
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