Migratory Bird Program Regional Office Atlanta, GA
Conserving the Nature of America - Southeast Region

Mission of the Migratory Birds Program

Region Four Logo Southeast Regional Office Web Page
Regional Office
1875 Century Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30345

David Viker, Chief, Migratory Bird Program









State of the Birds Report Cover Photo

Photo by:The State of the Birds.Org
Pamela Wells, Gerrit Vyn, and Lorax


The State of the Birds report reveals troubling declines of bird populations during
the past 40 years.






Providing national and international leadership in the conservation and management of migratory birds by promoting, among the Service and its partners, science-based management of both populations and habitat on and off Service lands in support of national and international bird plans and initiatives.  Additionally, the Division of Migratory Birds will provide support to eco-regional conservation initiatives for other wildlife species in those instance where support and cooperation will advance the goal of migratory bird conservation (e.g. the Black Bear Conservation Initiative).

A Status Assessment of the Eastern Subspecies of Bewick's Wren

This document is a compilation of biological data and a description of past, present and likely future threats to the easternmost two subspecies of Bewick's Wren, Thryomanes bewickii bewickii and Thryomanes bewickii altus. It does not represent a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on whether these taxa should be designated as candidate taxa for listing as threatened or endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act.



Georgia Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest Winners

2009 Best of Show
Min Lee, winner of the 2009 statewide Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest

Art by: Min Lee. Credit: USFWS


Future Direction and Priorities..


Supporting the North American Conservation Initiative (NABCI) goal of "delivering the full
spectrum of bird conservation through regionally-based, biologically-driven, landscape-oriented partnerships."

Mississippi Alluvial Valley Bird Conservation Region (LMV Joint Venture)
West Gulf Coastal Plain BCR (LMV Joint Venture)
South Atlantic BCR (Atlantic Coast Joint Venture)
Central Hardwood BCR

  • Providing  support to national Flyway Councils and the Migratory Bird Management Office on technical and regulatory aspects of migratory bird conservation

    Promoting migratory bird conservation on private lands by facilitating the delivery of the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and Joint Venture Interagency Partner Programs (AR, KY, LA, MS, NC, TN)

  • Promoting science-based management of migratory birds on Southeast Region units of the NWRS

"Fulfilling the Promise" Recommendations WH1, WH2 WH10

   Providing technical support to site-specific management issues on individual Refuges commensurate with available funding.


Last Updated: April 8, 2009