Practice Safety In All You Do

BNL DART and DOE Recordable Performance Goals for FY08

In accordance with Performance Objective 5.1 of the "FY08 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan" between DOE and BSA, BNL is to Provide a Work Environment that Protects Workers and the Environment.  BNL will demonstrate progress in achieving and maintaining “best in class” by improving safety performance by meeting the following targets:

  1. BNL will improve safety performance as measured by the days away, restricted or transferred (DART) case rate. The expectation is that BNL will meet the Office of Science interim goal rate of 0.25 cases per 200,000 hours worked.  This rate is based on 5 million or less hours worked annually.  In terms of cases, BNL's goal is to have no more than 6 DART cases for FY08.

  2. BNL will improve safety performance as measured by the DOE total recordable case (TRC) rate with the expectation that BNL will meet the Office of Science interim goal of 0.65 cases per 200,000 hours worked.  This rate is based on 5 million or less hours worked annually.  In terms of cases, BNL's goal is to have no more than 16 Recordable cases for FY08.

What is a DART Case (DART)?  (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) case is a subset of DOE recordable cases whereby the injury or illness is severe enough that the individual loses time away from his/her job by being away from work, on restricted duty, or is transferred to another job function. 

What is a Recordable Case (TRC)?  A DOE recordable injury is an occupational injury or illness that requires medical treatment more than simple First Aid and must be reported to DOE. 

To determine the DART and Recordable Case rates, the following formula is used:

 # cases x 200,000 hours/actual workhours

You can help the Lab achieve it's goal for FY08 by practicing safety, maintaining attention to detail, don't multitask (e.g. don't read while walking up or down stairs), follow approved work plan documents, and make your supervisor/manager aware of unsafe work conditions.  You also have the option to contact the Safety & Health Hotline at x8800 if you believe an unsafe condition exists.  

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008
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