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Low-temperature tolerance of African jewelfish, (Hemichromis letourneuxi)

Because the African jewelfish has a broad salinity tolerance, scientists tested how the species low-temperature tolerance varied at three salinities: freshwater (0 ppt), brackish (10 ppt) and marine (35 ppt) in the laboratory. A field experiment was then conducted to examine the survivorship of individuals when caged in several common aquatic More...

  • Image of an African jewelfish, (Hemichromis letourneuxi)

Building Experimental Capacity to Assess Ballast Treatment Effectiveness and Residual Risk

Ballast water discharges are the most significant cause of aquatic biological invasions in coastal waters, including the Great Lakes. Currently, treatment of ballast water prior to discharge at the receiving port offers significant promise to help control this problem. However, development of treatment technologies is limited by lack of objective More...

  • Image of ship discharging ballast water

Scleria lacustris (Wright's nut-rush) invasive and spreading in seasonal marshes of Florida

This web resource is a species profile and checklist for the Scleria lacustris (Wright's nut-rush), which is an invasive plant, which spreads in seasonal marshes of Florida. The site gives an introduction to the plant, along with identification tips with images of the weed.

  • Wright's nut-rush (Scleria lacustris)

Asian shore crab, Japanese shore crab, Pacific crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan) (Arthropoda: Grapsidae)

This webpage is a species profile and nonindigenous species information bulletin of the Asian shore crab, Japanese shore crab, Pacific crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan)(Arthropoda: Grapsidae), with information on its identification and native range, life history, habitat, nonindigenous occurrences, means of introduction, its environmental More...

  • Asian Shore Crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus)