New Carpool Opportunities

Jeff Williams explains the benefits of carpooling in this short video. (RealPlayer required. Click here if you do not have the player.)

Since June of 2004, the Laboratory has participated in Long Island’s Commuter Choice Program (CCP). Long Island Transportation Management (LITM), a not-for-profit organization serving Nassau and Suffolk Counties, developed CCP to help employers bring voluntary commute alternatives to the workplace, and to create a heightened awareness of the importance of reducing traffic congestion and air pollution on Long Island. And, with gas prices on the rise, this is a great time to start ridesharing.

Through ridesharing, commuters save money by sharing driving expenses and by reducing daily wear-and-tear on their vehicles. To join this program, you will need to complete an LITM Ride-Match Application . Your information will be entered into a database and sent to other individuals looking to carpool or vanpool in your area. LITM will then send you a list of other BNL employees in your area who share your interest in ridesharing. When you receive your list, you then contact the individuals on the list to discuss possible rideshare arrangements. If no potential matches are found, LITM will repeat the search in ten days and do additional searches periodically at your request.

By participating in LITM’s program, you can also use their Guaranteed Ride Service, which will provide a taxi ride home in the event that you must work late or miss your ride for any other reason. Click on Guaranteed Ride Service for information on the eligibility requirements and rules.

Many of you have participated in the former BNL Carpool/Vanpool Program and completed a registration form for that program. Due to limited resources, the database has not been routinely updated, and the information provided may not be accurate. As a result, you must complete the LITM Ride-Match Application if you would like to be part of this program. If you only wish to register for the Guaranteed Ride Service, please complete and return the BNL Rideshare Registration Form (PDF).

Earlier this year, LITM partnered with NuRide, Inc. to provide commuters some added incentive to rideshare. Founded on the belief that individuals who share rides provide a valuable service to their community and should be rewarded for their efforts, NuRide, Inc. developed the NuRide Network®. By using NuRide, BNL employees can arrange ridesharing trips and cut commuting costs while earning valuable rewards.

Regardless of how you currently commute, you can join NuRide for free. There is no on-going commitment and you earn rewards for every trip you take, whether you use the service 1 day a month or 5 days a week. After you log in to the NuRide website, you pick a day on your NuRide trip calendar and select "Plan a trip". Then you specify where you want to go, how flexible you are, and even personalize your travel criteria. Once your trip is planned, you match your trip and find other people going your way. You can also learn about other NuRiders by clicking on their name to see where they work, their travel information, and how other NuRiders have rated them!

After you confirm your completed trip, you will earn NuRide Miles that are redeemable for gift cards, gift certificates, and other rewards.

If you have questions about this program, please contact Jeff Williams, BNL Employee Transportation Coordinator, at extension 5587.

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Last Modified: April 10, 2008