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Updated: 7:19 AM ET

Graph of S&P 500 Stock Market Index Performance
S&P 500
S&P 500 1,026 0.00 S&P 500
DJIA 9,509 0.00 DJIA
NASDAQ 2,018 0.00 NASDAQ

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Updated: 7:19 AM ET

In current trading, the European indexes are on a downward turn, with the FTSE 100 falling most, by 0.31%.

Graph of FTSE 100 Stock Market Index Performance
FTSE 100
FTSE 100 4,881 -15.14 FTSE 100
CAC 40 3,646 -5.95 CAC 40
DAX Index 5,512 -7.81 DAX Index

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Updated: 7:19 AM ET

In Asia, the indexes closed mixed at the end of the day's trading, with the Shanghai Composite having had the greatest change, down by 2.59%.

Graph of Hang Seng Stock Market Index Performance
Hang Seng
Hang Seng 20,435 -100.70 Hang Seng
Shanghai 2,916 -77.63 Shanghai
India NSE 50 4,659 +16.55 India NSE 50

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

General Finance Corp
GFNCU2.80 USD+57.02%
Today's Change:+1.01 USD
Mercer International Inc
MERC2.59 USD+49.71%
Today's Change:+0.86 USD
Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc
NXST1.84 USD+43.75%
Today's Change:+0.56 USD
Federal National Mortgage Asso...
FNM1.70 USD+41.67%
What American Bankers Can Lear...
Freddie Mac
FREPQ2.84 USD+39.90%
U.S. mortgage rates rise, may ...
Nobility Homes
NOBH8.36 USD-23.65%
Today's Change:-2.59 USD
Connecticut Bank & Trust C...
CTBC4.28 USD-22.88%
Today's Change:-1.27 USD
Emmis Communications Corp
2.82 USD-19.20%
Today's Change:-0.67 USD
Colony Bankcorp Inc
CBAN6.05 USD-15.50%
Today's Change:-1.11 USD
Prime Group Realty Trust
PGEPB1.50 USD-14.77%
Today's Change:-0.26 USD
CAPQ730.00 +2,652.29%
Today's Change:+28.91
Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd
GKP89.25 GBp+69.19%
Today's Change:+36.50 GBp
Boizel Chanoine Champagne SA
BOZ47.00 EUR+36.51%
Today's Change:+12.57 EUR
Central Rand Gold Ltd
CRND23.00 GBp+35.29%
Today's Change:+6.00 GBp
MB Retail Europe SA
MBRE3.22 EUR+31.43%
Today's Change:+0.77 EUR
White Young Green PLC
WHY14.25 GBp-47.71%
Today's Change:-13.00 GBp
ReneSola Ltd
VQK21.85 EUR-21.28%
Why the Gloom on Solar-Energy ...
Verneuil Participations SA
VRNL20.91 EUR-15.41%
Today's Change:-3.81 EUR
Neovia Financial Plc
NEO56.75 GBp-11.33%
Today's Change:-7.25 GBp
MGI Coutier SA
MGIC12.10 EUR-9.70%
Today's Change:-1.30 EUR
9674103.00 JPY+24.10%
Today's Change:+20.00 JPY
7613616.00 JPY+19.38%
Today's Change:+100.00 JPY
JP/3031260,000.00 JPY+18.18%
Today's Change:+40,000 JPY
ARuCo Union Inc
479813.00 JPY+18.18%
Today's Change:+2.00 JPY
2395653.00 JPY+18.08%
Today's Change:+100.00 JPY
Union Holdings Co Ltd
773612.00 JPY-14.29%
Today's Change:-2.00 JPY
8085145.00 JPY-9.94%
Today's Change:-16.00 JPY
8249735.00 JPY-8.13%
Today's Change:-65.00 JPY
Adways Co Ltd
JP/2489123,200.00 JPY-6.53%
Today's Change:-8,600.00 JPY
894089,500.00 JPY-6.28%
Today's Change:-6,000.00 JPY
General Finance Corp (GFNCU:NASDAQ)
Graph of General Finance Corp performance. Last:2.80 USD
Change Today: +1.01 57.02%
Volume: 34.9K
Mercer International Inc (MERC:NASDAQ)
Graph of Mercer International Inc performance. Last:2.59 USD
Change Today: +0.86 49.71%
Volume: 4.0M
Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc (NXST:NASDAQ)
Graph of Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc performance. Last:1.84 USD
Change Today: +0.56 43.75%
Volume: 460.0K
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) (FNM:NYSE)
  • Last: 1.70 USD
  • Change Today: +0.50 41.67%
  • Volume: 822.7M
Graph of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) performance. RELATED NEWS
Freddie Mac (FREPQ:NYSE)
  • Last: 2.84 USD
  • Change Today: +0.81 39.90%
  • Volume: 33.0K
Graph of Freddie Mac performance. RELATED NEWS
Nobility Homes (NOBH:NASDAQ)
Graph of Nobility Homes performance. Last:8.36 USD
Change Today: -2.59 -23.65%
Volume: 15.9K
Connecticut Bank & Trust Company (CTBC:NASDAQ)
Graph of Connecticut Bank  & Trust Company performance. Last:4.28 USD
Change Today: -1.27 -22.88%
Volume: 2.6K
Emmis Communications Corp (:NASDAQ)
Graph of Emmis Communications Corp performance. Last:2.82 USD
Change Today: -0.67 -19.20%
Volume: 5.3K
Colony Bankcorp Inc (CBAN:NASDAQ)
Graph of Colony Bankcorp Inc performance. Last:6.05 USD
Change Today: -1.11 -15.50%
Volume: 700.0
Prime Group Realty Trust (PGEPB:NYSE)
Graph of Prime Group Realty Trust performance. Last:1.50 USD
Change Today: -0.26 -14.77%
Volume: 20.6K
Citigroup Inc (C:NYSE)
  • Last: 4.82 USD
  • Change Today: +0.12 2.55%
  • Volume: 1.2B
Graph of Citigroup Inc performance. RELATED NEWS
Freddie Mac (FRE:NYSE)
  • Last: 2.05 USD
  • Change Today: +0.32 18.50%
  • Volume: 383.4M
Graph of Freddie Mac performance. RELATED NEWS
Bank of America Corp (BAC:NYSE)
  • Last: 17.35 USD
  • Change Today: -0.11 -0.63%
  • Volume: 314.4M
Graph of Bank of America Corp performance. RELATED NEWS
PowerShares QQQ Trust Series 1 (QQQQ:NASDAQ)
Graph of PowerShares QQQ Trust Series 1 performance. Last:40.25 USD
Change Today: -0.04 -0.10%
Volume: 108.1M
VMC SA (CAPQ7:Paris Stock Exchange)
Graph of VMC SA performance. Last:30.00
Change Today: +28.91 2,652.29%
Volume: 472.0
Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd (GKP:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd performance. Last:89.25 GBp
Change Today: +36.50 69.19%
Volume: 24.7M
Boizel Chanoine Champagne SA (BOZ:Paris Stock Exchange)
Graph of Boizel Chanoine Champagne SA performance. Last:47.00 EUR
Change Today: +12.57 36.51%
Volume: 1.9K
Central Rand Gold Ltd (CRND:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of Central Rand Gold Ltd performance. Last:23.00 GBp
Change Today: +6.00 35.29%
Volume: 9.3M
MB Retail Europe SA (MBRE:Paris Stock Exchange)
Graph of MB Retail Europe SA performance. Last:3.22 EUR
Change Today: +0.77 31.43%
Volume: 62.0
White Young Green PLC (WHY:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of White Young Green PLC performance. Last:14.25 GBp
Change Today: -13.00 -47.71%
Volume: 2.6M
ReneSola Ltd (VQK2:XETRA Level 1)
  • Last: 1.85 EUR
  • Change Today: -0.50 -21.28%
  • Volume: 1.0K
Graph of ReneSola Ltd performance. RELATED NEWS
Verneuil Participations SA (VRNL:Paris Stock Exchange)
Graph of Verneuil Participations SA performance. Last:20.91 EUR
Change Today: -3.81 -15.41%
Volume: 304.0
Neovia Financial Plc (NEO:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of Neovia Financial Plc performance. Last:56.75 GBp
Change Today: -7.25 -11.33%
Volume: 182.6K
MGI Coutier SA (MGIC:Paris Stock Exchange)
Graph of MGI Coutier SA performance. Last:12.10 EUR
Change Today: -1.30 -9.70%
Volume: 30.0
Sterling Energy PLC (SEY:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of Sterling Energy PLC performance. Last:4.65 GBp
Change Today: +0.72 18.32%
Volume: 144.8M
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC (RBS:London Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 52.95 GBp
  • Change Today: +1.20 2.32%
  • Volume: 75.6M
Graph of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC performance. RELATED NEWS
Vodafone Group Plc (VOD:London Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 134.00 GBp
  • Change Today: +2.95 2.25%
  • Volume: 74.5M
Graph of Vodafone Group Plc performance. RELATED NEWS
Lloyds Banking Group PLC (LLOY:London Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 106.00 GBp
  • Change Today: -1.97 -1.82%
  • Volume: 44.3M
Graph of Lloyds Banking Group PLC performance. RELATED NEWS
Northgate PLC (NTG:London Stock Exchange)
Graph of Northgate PLC performance. Last:19.25 GBp
Change Today: +1.25 6.94%
Volume: 30.3M
KAGETSUENKANKO Co Ltd (9674:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of KAGETSUENKANKO Co Ltd performance. Last:103.00 JPY
Change Today: +20.00 24.10%
Volume: 1.9M
SIIX CORP (7613:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of SIIX CORP performance. Last:616.00 JPY
Change Today: +100.00 19.38%
Volume: 585.9K
RACCOON CO LTD (JP/3031:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of RACCOON CO LTD performance. Last:260,000.00 JPY
Change Today: +40,000 18.18%
Volume: 262.0
ARuCo Union Inc (4798:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of ARuCo Union Inc performance. Last:13.00 JPY
Change Today: +2.00 18.18%
Volume: 4.0M
Change Today: +100.00 18.08%
Volume: 2.0M
Union Holdings Co Ltd (7736:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of Union Holdings Co Ltd performance. Last:12.00 JPY
Change Today: -2.00 -14.29%
Volume: 2.6M
NARASAKI SANGYO CO LTD (8085:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of NARASAKI SANGYO CO LTD performance. Last:145.00 JPY
Change Today: -16.00 -9.94%
Volume: 1.8M
TECHNO ASSOCIE Co Ltd (8249:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of TECHNO ASSOCIE Co Ltd performance. Last:735.00 JPY
Change Today: -65.00 -8.13%
Volume: 19.5K
Adways Co Ltd (JP/2489:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of Adways Co Ltd performance. Last:123,200.00 JPY
Change Today: -8,600.00 -6.53%
Volume: 2.8K
INTELLEX Co Ltd (8940:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of INTELLEX Co Ltd performance. Last:89,500.00 JPY
Change Today: -6,000.00 -6.28%
Volume: 181.0
Mizuho Financial Group Inc (8411:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 225.00 JPY
  • Change Today: -4.00 -1.75%
  • Volume: 97.9M
Graph of Mizuho Financial Group Inc performance. RELATED NEWS
SHIKIBO LTD (3109:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 276.00 JPY
  • Change Today: +7.00 2.60%
  • Volume: 72.5M
Graph of SHIKIBO LTD performance. RELATED NEWS
Isuzu Motors Ltd (7202:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Graph of Isuzu Motors Ltd performance. Last:224.00 JPY
Change Today: +5.00 2.28%
Volume: 67.1M
Toshiba Corp (6502:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 471.00 JPY
  • Change Today: +6.00 1.29%
  • Volume: 50.3M
Graph of Toshiba Corp performance. RELATED NEWS
SANYO Electric Co Ltd (6764:Tokyo Stock Exchange)
  • Last: 263.00 JPY
  • Change Today: -2.00 -0.75%
  • Volume: 45.6M
Graph of SANYO Electric Co Ltd performance. RELATED NEWS

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