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U.S. Election Assistance Commission

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Additional Elections Research

In this section, the EAC hosts additional research and information by other organizations that are relevant to the administration of federal elections. 


Voting System Reports Clearinghouse: As part of the EAC's clearinghouse responsibilities under Section 202 of the Help America Vote Act, the EAC posts and distributes voting system reports and studies that have been conducted or commissioned by a state or local government.

View voting system reports

National Voter Registration Act Studies by the Federal Election Commission: Prior to 2002, the FEC was responsible for conducting NVRA studies. To view recent NVRA studies conducted by the EAC, click here


Voter Registration and Turnout Statistics: These statistics track voter turnout from 1960 until the formation of the EAC in 2002. The EAC now conducts the bi-annual Election Day Survey containing detailed data and analysis from the 2004 and 2006 elections.