Internet Address:   Transmission of material in
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500    this release is embargoed
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620            until after 8:30 A.M. (ET)
                                                    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

   Area prices post 0.5-percent increase, largest in seven months
  Retail prices in the greater New York area, as measured by the
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), advanced 0.5
percent in February.  Michael L. Dolfman, Regional Commissioner of
the U. S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, said that
the February index largely reflected a seasonal price rise in apparel
along with higher prices for transportation and shelter.  These
increases were partially offset by lower prices for household energy.
Dolfman pointed out that the index for all items rose only two times
during the previous six months, and both increases were less than 0.3
percent.  For the year ended in February 2009, the CPI-U rose 1.6
percent, and the index for all items less food and energy rose 2.8
  The apparel index jumped 6.7 percent in February, after three
months of declines.  With the introduction of spring lines, higher
prices were reported for women's footwear, men's furnishings, and
girls' apparel.  Over the year, apparel prices rose 3.7 percent.
  The transportation index increased 1.7 percent, following six
monthly declines.  (See chart A.)  The upturn was driven by a
turnaround in gasoline prices, which rose 7.5 percent over the month
after declining 1.5 percent in January and 19.7 percent in December.
Prices also increased for motor vehicle insurance along with car and
truck rental.  Despite these increases, transportation prices were
8.5 percent lower than they were 12 months ago; gasoline prices were
36.4 percent lower.

Chart A. Over-the-month percent changes in consumer price indexes, New Yotk-Northern New Jersey, August 2008-February 2009

        New York-Northern New Jersey CPI monthly and annual percent changes
                              (not seasonally adjusted)
           |   2004    |   2005    |   2006    |   2007    |   2008    |   2009    
   Month   | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  

 January     0.3  2.7    0.6  4.1    0.8  3.7    0.2  2.7    0.2  3.7    0.2  1.5
 February    0.6  2.5    0.4  3.9    0.2  3.6    0.6  3.1    0.5  3.6    0.5  1.6
 March       1.1  3.2    1.7  4.4    0.8  2.7    0.7  2.9    0.9  3.8
 April       0.3  3.7    0.0  4.2    0.9  3.6    0.5  2.5    0.3  3.6
 May         0.2  3.9   -0.5  3.4    0.6  4.8    0.6  2.5    1.0  4.0
 June        0.8  4.6   -0.3  2.3    0.5  5.6    0.5  2.5    1.0  4.5
 July       -0.2  3.9    0.9  3.4    0.2  5.0    0.2  2.5    0.7  5.1
 August      0.1  3.3    0.8  4.1    0.4  4.7   -0.1  1.9    0.1  5.4
 September   0.1  3.2    0.8  4.8   -0.5  3.3    0.0  2.4   -0.2  5.2
 October     0.7  3.7    0.4  4.5   -0.5  2.4    0.1  3.1   -0.7  4.3
 November    0.0  3.9   -0.6  3.9   -0.4  2.6    0.4  3.9   -1.6  2.2
 December   -0.2  3.8   -0.5  3.6    0.2  3.3    0.0  3.7   -0.6  1.6

  The housing index inched up 0.1 percent in February.  A 0.4-
percent increase in the shelter component was largely offset by
declines in fuels and utilities and household furnishings.  Owners'
equivalent rent and residential rent each edged up 0.2 percent.  Out-
of-town lodging, often up at this time of year, also increased.  On
the other hand, lower charges for electricity (-2.8 percent), natural
gas (-1.8 percent), and heating oil contributed to a decline in
household energy.  Over the year, shelter advanced 3.1 percent.  In
contrast, the 12-month price change for household energy turned
negative (-0.4 percent) in February.
  Among other expenditure categories, the recreation index advanced
1.1 percent in February, while the medical care index rose 0.5
percent.  The index for food and beverages inched down 0.1 percent
during the month, the first decline since March 2007; a 0.4-percent
increase in prices for food away from home was offset by a 0.5-
percent decline in grocery prices, which included lower prices for
milk.  Prices for education and communication, as well as other goods
and services, turned down in February after inching up in January.
  With the New York-Northern New Jersey Consumer Price Index for All
Urban Consumers at 234.663 in February (1982-84=100), $23.47 was
required to purchase what $10 could in the 1982-84 base period.  The
purchasing power of the dollar was 42.6 cents in 1982-84 dollars and
14.7 cents in 1967 dollars.  In February, the Consumer Price Index
for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) was 228.653, up
0.5 percent.  The CPI-W rose 1.5 percent over the year.  On a 1967
base, the February CPI-W was 651.031.
  Data in this report are not seasonally adjusted.  Accordingly,
month-to-month changes may reflect the impact of seasonal influences.
The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
consolidated area comprises the five boroughs of New York City,
Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Orange
Counties in New York State; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer,
Monmouth, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union
and Warren Counties in New Jersey; Fairfield County and parts of
Litchfield, New Haven and Middlesex Counties in Connecticut; and Pike
County in Pennsylvania.

NYLS - 7369                                          Labor - New York

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
              New York-Northern N.J.-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA 1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)

                                                        Indexes                Percent change from-
                 Item and Group                                                               
                                               Dec.       Jan.       Feb.      Feb.     Dec.     Jan.  
                                               2008       2009       2009      2008     2008     2009  

              Expenditure category  

  All items...............................   233.012    233.402    234.663      1.6      0.7      0.5 
  All items (1967=100).....................  673.604    674.732    678.378       -        -        - 
   Food and beverages....................    228.213    229.014    228.886      5.8       .3      -.1 
    Food..................................   227.406    228.324    228.195      5.9       .3      -.1 
     Food at home.........................   228.416    230.193    229.149      7.3       .3      -.5 
     Food away from home..................   232.258    232.160    233.136      4.3       .4       .4 
    Alcoholic beverages...................   235.943    234.968    234.853      3.9      -.5       .0 
   Housing................................   255.615    256.339    256.561      2.5       .4       .1 
    Shelter...............................   307.530    308.572    309.934      3.1       .8       .4 
     Rent of primary residence 1/.........   303.511    304.403    305.125      5.3       .5       .2 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary                                                                  
         residence 1/ 2/..................   317.595    317.430    317.982      3.3       .1       .2 
    Fuels and utilities...................   203.310    203.015    198.649       .2     -2.3     -2.2 
     Household energy.....................   204.909    204.783    199.904      -.4     -2.4     -2.4 
      Gas (piped) and electricity 1/......   202.702    203.564    198.661      3.8     -2.0     -2.4 
       Electricity 1/.....................   176.269    181.843    176.791      2.6       .3     -2.8 
       Utility (piped) gas service 1/.....   255.854    245.716    241.363      6.1     -5.7     -1.8 
    Household furnishings and operations..   127.748    128.092    127.193      -.5      -.4      -.7 
   Apparel................................   108.045    106.555    113.702      3.7      5.2      6.7 
   Transportation.........................   177.308    176.963    179.901     -8.5      1.5      1.7 
    Private transportation................   165.547    165.557    169.432     -9.4      2.3      2.3 
     Motor fuel...........................   143.045    140.776    150.888    -36.3      5.5      7.2 
      Gasoline (all types)................   141.564    139.408    149.827    -36.4      5.8      7.5 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular 3/......   139.517    138.879    149.887    -37.2      7.4      7.9 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade 3/ 4/..   149.579    143.356    153.060    -35.1      2.3      6.8 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium 3/......   148.179    143.160    152.194    -34.6      2.7      6.3 
   Medical care...........................   367.657    369.972    371.722      1.4      1.1       .5 
   Recreation 5/..........................   115.148    115.503    116.724      2.8      1.4      1.1 
   Education and communication 5/.........   133.955    134.102    133.444      4.5      -.4      -.5 
   Other goods and services...............   349.842    350.251    349.370      2.7      -.1      -.3 
                                                              Commodity and service group  
  All items...............................   233.012    233.402    234.663      1.6       .7       .5 
   Commodities............................   170.806    170.585    172.916     -1.9      1.2      1.4 
    Commodities less food and beverages...   134.645    133.942    137.346     -7.3      2.0      2.5 
     Nondurables less food and beverages..   157.964    156.339    162.281     -9.1      2.7      3.8 
     Durables.............................   103.331    103.698    104.105     -3.8       .7       .4 
   Services...............................   286.137    287.039    287.415      3.4      0.4      0.1 
                                                              Special aggregate indexes  
  All items less medical care.............   226.907    227.232    228.468      1.6       .7       .5 
  All items less shelter..................   203.633    203.744    204.978       .6       .7       .6 
  Commodities less food...................   138.530    137.815    141.138     -6.8      1.9      2.4 
  Nondurables.............................   194.149    193.661    196.785     -1.4      1.4      1.6 
  Nondurables less food...................   162.649    161.052    166.694     -8.3      2.5      3.5 
  Services less rent of shelter 2/........   272.531    273.285    272.414      3.9       .0      -.3 
  Services less medical care services.....   278.870    279.668    280.034      3.5       .4       .1 
  Energy..................................   179.954    178.936    180.278    -16.7       .2       .7 
  All items less energy...................   239.821    240.351    241.613      3.2       .7       .5 
   All items less food and energy.........   243.559    244.019    245.552      2.8       .8       .6 

  1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series
     were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/ Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/ Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  4/ Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  5/ Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  -  Data not available.


Last Modified Date: April 15, 2009