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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Albuquerque Development Commission

The Albuquerque Development Commission (ADC) is a city Commission in accordance with the State's Metropolitan Redevelopment Code (the "Code") (3-60A-16 to 3-60A-48 NMSA 1978) and the City Ordinance #0-153. The powers of the ADC include the power to sell land within a designated Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) that is covered by a redevelopment plan, under the disposition process detailed in the Code. The ADC also serves as an advisory body to the City Council for approval of project plans and inducement resolutions for private purpose bonds. They also review economic development strategies submitted by the Office of Economic Development that affect the public benefit.

ADC Commission Members

  • Alex Romero, Chair
  • Jeanette Baca
  • Archie Garcia
  • Samuel K. Collins, Jr.
  • Aaron Forrester

Albuquerque Development Commission

Agendas and Action Sheets

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