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National Laboratories

The Office of Science is the steward of 10 national laboratories that support the missions of its science programs. The national laboratory system, created over a half-century ago, represents the most comprehensive research system of its kind in the world. These laboratories perform research and development that is not well suited to university or private sector research facilities because of its scope, infrastructure, or multidisciplinary nature, but for which there is a strong public and national purpose.

A high level of collaboration among all of the national laboratories in the use of world-class scientific equipment and supercomputers, facilities, and multidisciplinary teams of scientists increases their collective contribution to DOE and the Nation, making the laboratory system more valuable as a whole than as the sum of its parts.

The Office of Science oversees these 10 national laboratories:

· Ames Laboratory
· Argonne National Laboratory
· Brookhaven National Laboratory
· Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
· Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
· Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
· Oak Ridge National Laboratory
· Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
· Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
· SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

In addition, the Office of Science funds research and development projects conducted at these additional national laboratories, which are overseen by other DOE offices:

· Idaho National Laboratory
· Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
· Los Alamos National Laboratory
· National Energy Technology Laboratory
· National Renewable Energy Laboratory
· Sandia National Laboratories
· Savannah River National Laboratory



National Laboratories

Office of Laboratory
Policy and Evaluation

Map (1mb pdf)

Science at the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Energy's
Office of Science:
Steward of 10 World-Class
National Laboratories
October 2008

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