Los Alamos National Laboratory
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LANSCE User Group Meeting
September 30th & October 1st Please check back for updates.

Proton Radiography Call for Proposals for Run Cycle Oct 1, 2009 - September 2010
Open May 8th. Deadline:
June 26, 2009


1st Call for Proposals for the Lujan Center: concluded.
2nd Call for the Lujan Center Proposals—Open: June 1, 2009 Deadline: July 20, 2009


The Pulse newsletter


The Lujan Neutron Scattering Center announces the 2009 Neutron Scattering School on Phase Transformations. Website



SAGAMORE Conference XVI, Santa Fe, August 2-7, 2009
The SAGAMORE Conference has concluded



title bar


  • LANSCE Proposals
  • Lujan Center
  • Nuclear Science (WNR)
  • pRad

LANSCE accepts proposals for two different facilities, the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center and Nuclear Science (WNR). To submit your proposal, select the facility you will be doing your work in from the tabs above. If you have questions, please contact the User Office. Thank you.

Proton Radiography

Frank Merril

User Program Administrator:
Tamson Smith


pRad facility page


Call for proposals


LANSCE Resources

Local & Regional Links

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LANSCE Facility Director
Kurt Schoenberg

LANSCE Division Office
Kurt Schoenberg

Executive Assistant
Ginger Grant

Accelerator Operations
Kevin Jones

User Program Office
Leilani Conradson

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Securty Administration

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