
Archive for April, 2009

The Buzz From Brooke: Sun-sational Sunblocks

Published April - 27 - 2009

sunburnBy Brooke Sander

Ahhhh, summer! Winter coats and sweaters are a distant memory. The hot sun feels good against your skin, the warmth reminding you to buy your annual supply of sunblock. So which brand will you buy this year? Read the rest of this entry »

detergentWhen A.J. Lumsdaine’s four-month-old baby developed small, bumpy red patches on his legs, the pediatrician identified the rash as eczema. His solution: Slather the baby’s skin with moisturizers.
Unfortunately, the eczema got worse. A blistery red rash soon blossomed over the baby’s entire body and face. Read the rest of this entry »

Respirando con AANMA 9

Published April - 22 - 2009

resis9Nariz tapada, dolor de garganta o tos. Estos síntomas, originados por un resfrío común o una gripe (flu), son para la mayoría sólo algo incómodo y molesto. Sin embargo, para el que padece de asma incluso una infección respiratoria leve puede significar mayores problemas y provocar síntomas como silbido en el pecho, falta de aire o aliento y serias dificultades para respirar…..

Respirando con AANMA 9

Latex Allergies Exposed!

Published April - 22 - 2009

latexBy Dawn Merritt

*** Award-winning article: 2006 Gold Circle Award, American Society for Association Executives and The Center for Association Leadership Read the rest of this entry »

Allergies, Yogurt and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Published April - 20 - 2009

yogurtDoes your yogurt smell fishy? It could be the latest food to proclaim itself “heart healthy” with the addition of omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Read the rest of this entry »

lung_416When the National Institutes of Health released the new national asthma guidelines, Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3), AANMA was excited to read that many of the Expert Panel’s recommendations echo asthma treatment concepts we’ve been supporting since 1985. Read the rest of this entry »

breath_416Si usted, su hijo o algún familiar han sido diagnosticados con asma, su doctor le recetará alguna de las diferentes medicinas que se encuentran en el mercado y que servirán para mantener los síntomas del asma bajo control. A continuación podrá encontrar una lista de cada uno y para qué sirven: Read the rest of this entry »

News 2 Use – Pregnant? Go Mediterranean!

Published April - 16 - 2009

mediterraneanCraving fruits and fish while you’re pregnant? Your body may be telling you how to protect your baby from asthma and allergies! A recent study in the journal Thorax (January 2008) suggests that a “Mediterranean diet” could do just that. Read the rest of this entry »

asthma_416For years, physicians have assessed asthma by measuring how much air a patient can exhale. Now, some doctors are beginning to measure what’s in that breathed-out air – specifically, nitric oxide (NO). Scientists have discovered that the amount of nitric oxide in a patient’s breath indicates the degree of inflammation in the airways. Read the rest of this entry »

Asthma Awareness Day on Capitol Hill ‘09

Published April - 14 - 2009


Breathe Freely
Make healthcare reform work for you

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
8:30-10:30 am – Breakfast Briefing
11:00 am-1:30 pm – Asthma Health Expo
Free asthma screening – Consultation with allergists – State-of-the-art lung inflammation tests
Rayburn Foyer, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC Read the rest of this entry »