
Archive for February, 2009

Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Something to Talk About

Published February - 19 - 2009

vcd-aat-6_11By Laurie Ross
Nine-year-old Ellie Carson lives to play soccer. To her, happiness is flying down the field after the ball.

For a while, though, it looked like she might have to stop chasing her dream. Read the rest of this entry »

athlete2By Laurie Ross
Competitive sports are as American as apple pie, and the late summer and early fall months see athletes of all ages gathering on fields. In much of the country, that means intense exercise in high heat and humidity – conditions that stress even the healthiest bodies. Read the rest of this entry »

Ask Dr. White: Is This COPD?

Published February - 12 - 2009

womananddrDear Dr. White:

I am only 37 years old, too young to be diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), but that’s what the doctor told me yesterday. I thought it was asthma because my symptoms are almost exactly like my husband and 9-year-old son, both of whom have asthma. Read the rest of this entry »

COPD Up Among Women

Published February - 12 - 2009

womanAt a time when death rates for many diseases are decreasing, those from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) are on the rise – up 163 percent over 30 years.  Most of this increase is among women, while the death rate for men has remained stable for the past few years. Read the rest of this entry »

When Will I Outgrow Food Allergies?

Published February - 10 - 2009

outgrow-aat-6_1One of the first things parents ask when their child is diagnosed with food allergy is, “When will he outgrow it?” That’s because it’s been conventional wisdom that most children outgrow food allergies – particularly milk and egg – within a few years. Today, however, research shows that food allergies persist into childhood longer. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s Not ALL in Your Head

Published February - 10 - 2009

sinusBy Laurie Ross
What happens in your sinuses doesn’t always stay in your sinuses. In fact, it’s often the fuel that stokes airway inflammation – in other words, asthma. Fix sinus infections and you often fix the asthma. Read the rest of this entry »

Solving the Peanut Allergy Puzzle

Published February - 10 - 2009

peanutBy Dawn Merritt

Amy Altizer will never forget January 3, 2007. Not because it was her baby boy’s 3-month birthday. It was the day he had a life-threatening allergic reaction. Read the rest of this entry »

A Food Diary: Simple and Effective

Published February - 10 - 2009

fooddiary1Food allergies are on the rise worldwide, as is research into possible causes and cures. But even though doctors are seeing more patients with food-related symptoms, correctly diagnosing food allergies remains tricky. Read the rest of this entry »

campBy Debra Mendelsohn
Ten minutes after I returned home from dropping my energetic 9-year-old son off at a Cub Scout day camp, the phone rang. The camp nurse was on the line telling me that a bee had stung my child and paramedics were on the way. Read the rest of this entry »

Love is in the Air

Published February - 6 - 2009

loveair-ma-22_2It’s springtime. Everywhere you turn there are signs of new life: baby animals, daffodils and brightly colored growth on trees and bushes. Read the rest of this entry »