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Avian Flu virus

In Depth

  • Monitoring H1N1 Swine Flu

    Outbreaks of a new H1N1 strain of influenza virus have prompted the World Health Organization to declare the event a public health emergency of international concern.

Until a decade ago it was impossible to recognize an epidemic early enough to mitigate its effects. Today, global networks of laboratories and scientists do just that with tools on the ground and in space.

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Photo Gallery

  • A mosquito cartoon (National Library of Medicine)
    An Iconography of Contagion

    Public health took a visual turn about 100 years ago. In an era of infectious disease, health professionals began to organize campaigns to spur action through eye-catching posters, pamphlets and films.

Comic Book

  • Comic graphic (CDC)
    Educating the Public

    A comic book is one tool the health department of a major U.S. county is using to educate the public about a coming influenza pandemic. (PDF)