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BIOSYNC   Structural Biology Synchrotron Users Organization
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BioSync: A Structural Biologist's Guide to Synchrotron Facilities

Current Synchrotron Information: Updated by synchrotron personnel

Beamline Descriptions Contain: Wavelength ranges, flux and optical configurations, detectors, hardware / software

Beamline Deposition Statistics: For synchrotrons and structural genomics projects around the world

Galleries of structures cross-linked to RCSB PDB structure summary pages plus tables of primary citations and general information.

Brief History: BioSync was formed in 1990 as a grassroots organization that would promote access to synchrotron radiation for scientists whose primary research is in the field of structural biology. The members were leaders of North American research groups that used synchrotron radiation for experiments in structural biology. The members of the original Steering Committee for BioSync was: Keith Watenpaugh – Chair, Hugh Huxley, Sung-Hou Kim, Keith Moffat, Janet Smith, Robert Sweet, and Edwin Westbrook.

The activities of BioSync included documenting the needs of structural biologists for synchrotron radiation, evaluating the status of existing and planned facilities, recommending funding and access policies, lobbying in Washington for improved support of synchrotron rings and beamlines, and organizing a web-based clearinghouse of beamline information.

Related Links
Copies of the most recent BioSync survey data and report are available. Information and educational materials about the world's light source facilities

RoboSync: A list of robotic handling systems at synchrotron facilities

Radiation Damage: Table of radiation damage rates compiled by James Holton at ALS
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