Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Coast Guard Personnel Service Center

Officer Personnel Management Division

Officer Boards, Promotions, and Separations Branch CG PSC (opm-1)

Postgraduate Education & Advanced Training Section

Welcome to CG PSC (opm-1)'s Coast Guard Postgraduate (PG) and Advanced Education (Adv Ed) information page.  Here you will find the PG/Adv Ed schedule, Precept, Results, Application Guidance, etc.  In the event you have further questions regarding PG/Adv Ed opportunities, please contact the PG/Adv Ed Program Admin Staff. 

YN2 Cassie Sylvester
PG/Adv Ed Admin Staff
(202) 493-1633 Desk
(202) 493-1648 Fax

Alternately, you may contact:
LTJG G. Wayne Newton
Ass't Chief, Boards Section
(202) 493-1614

Or, you may contact:
LCDR Michael Stewart
Chief, Boards Section
(202) 493-1615



Messages  * 
AY10 PG/Adv Ed Deadline  *  AY 2010 PG/Adv Ed Schedule * Documents  *  Web Links  *  Manuals/Instructions *
Primary Selectee Documentation

AY 2010 PG/Adv Ed Schedule and Results:

The most current PG/Adv Ed Panel schedule may be in the below spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet also contains the program solicitation messages and results messages once the panels are approved by CG PSC (opm) .  This is a real-time document, so please refer to it often.

AY10 PG/Adv Ed Schedule, Solicitations, and Results





AY10 PG/Adv Ed Deadline:



Web Links:

Required Documentation for Primary Selectees

Last Modified 8/26/2009