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Reservoir Operations Study

Record of Decision

The TVA Board of Directors has issued a decision on a new operating policy for the Tennessee River and reservoir system. TVA and the cooperating agencies (the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) have prepared this Record of Decision to document the details of the decision and the rationale for the decision.

Record of Decision (PDF, 552 kb)

See the Managing River System Flows web page for background information on river system operations.

Final Environmental Impact Statement

TVA and the cooperating agencies prepared this final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) to document the environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with reservoir operations policy alternatives evaluated in the Reservoir Operations Study (ROS). The purpose of the ROS was to enable TVA to determine whether changes in its reservoir operations policy would produce greater overall public value.


The complete text of the final EIS is available in the following documents. (Note: these files are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 5.0 or above. Click Adobe link for free download).

Executive Summary (428 kb)
Contains an overview of the study and alternative operating policies.

Table of Contents (172 kb)
Lists the chapters, subsections, appendices, figures, tables, acronyms, and metric conversion chart.

Chapter 1: Introduction (464 kb)
The purpose and need for the study, a history of policy changes, and the results of the scoping and DEIS public review process.

Chapter 2: The Water Control System (692 kb)
The seasonal patterns of rainfall and runoff and the specific components of the water control system.

Chapter 3: Reservoir Operations Policy Alternatives (376 kb)
The process and development of alternative operating policies, comparison of the alternatives, and description of the Preferred Alternative.

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Chapter 4: Description of the Affected Environment

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Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives

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Chapter 6: Cumulative Impacts (188 kb)
Effects of the proposed action when considered together with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions.

Chapter 7: Potential Mitigation Measures (160 kb)
TVA’s responsibility to identify a range of mitigation actions and the programmatic framework within which mitigation measures could be implemented.

Chapter 8 - List of Preparers (152 kb)
Comprehensive list of TVA staff and consultants who prepared the FEIS.

Chapter 9 - Distribution List (128 kb)
List of those in the Valley Congressional delegation, federal and state agencies, public libraries, and those individuals and organizations who requested and will receive a copy of the Executive Summary and FEIS.

Chapter 10 - Supporting Information (252 kb)
Literature cited, glossary of terms, and index.

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Appendix A: Water Control System Description Tables (180 kb)
Tables describing reservoir operating characteristics, water quality targets, water supply projections, fill and drawdown dates, and hydro modernization program projects.

Appendix B: Reservoir operations Study Preliminary Alternatives (176 kb)
Descriptions of preliminary alternatives formulated from the scoping process.

Appendix C: Model Description and Results (5 mb)
Descriptions of models used for weekly scheduling, energy cost, water quality, flood control, and economics.

Appendix D: Additional Information for Resource Areas
Tables and figures for 10 resource areas.

Appendix E: Prime Farmland Technical Report (1.1 mb)
Report prepared for TVA by Normandeau Associates, Inc. for preparation of the DEIS.

Appendix F: Response to Comments on the DEIS
TVA responses to comments from federal and state agencies and members of the public received during the DEIS public review process.

Appendix G: Results of Consultation performed Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (1.2 mb)

Appendix H: Results of Consultation Performed Under the National Historic Preservation Act (288 kb)

Post-Implementation Monitoring

The ROS Final EIS and Record of Decision contained several mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of the selected alternative. Various monitoring studies are an important component of these mitigation measures.  Results of some of the monitoring studies are available here.

Wetland Monitoring Summary Report (PDF, 373 kb)
This report summarizes the wetland monitoring conducted during 2005.

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