Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

The Housing Branch at ISC Cleveland manages both Area Housing for all 9th District and the Local Housing Program in the Cleveland area.  For more information, please contact the following individuals:


If you have PCS orders and haven't been able to sell your home, you may
qualify for a program that would allow another member in your location to
assume your orders. The member assuming the orders must want your orders and
be the same pay grade. The swap request must be routed through your chain of
command and the Ninth District Command Master Chief to EPM. You can contact
Dave Bolanz (the Area Housing Officer) or your sector command master chief or
senior chief for more information.

Rental/Leased Housing Property List

If you have a home/property for rent and you would like it posted to this site, please FILL OUT THIS FORM and submit it via email to david.n.bolanz [at] uscg [dot] mil.

Area Housing Officer - Mr. David Bolanz

Housing Management Specialist - YNC Carol Miletic

Owned Housing Maintenance Coordinator - DCC Joseph Longstreet

Housing Management Assistant - Mrs. Debbie Lowry

Housing Management Assistant - Mr. Dave Keymon

Housing Fax Number - (216) 902-6293


Headquarters Site: United States Coast Guard Office of Work-Life (CG-111)

Last Modified 9/4/2008