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Washington Watch Report
The Washington Watch Report is your one stop shop to learn about examples of government waste that have been uncovered by House Republicans. Right now we are focusing on the $780 billion stimulus bill enacted by the Democrat Majority and President Obama. Each week, we will be posting more waste and highlight a new featured item of the week.

Here is this week's featured item:

Rhode Island City on the “Verge of Bankruptcy” Spends $550,000 in Stimulus Money for a Skateboard Park

Apparently the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, has been trying to “cobble together funds to pay for the skateboard park and [tennis and basketball] court upgrades” for several years now.

On March 6, the city, which has a $5.2 million school budget deficit and about a $4.8 million municipal deficit and has eliminated about 40 city jobs so far this year, announced that they will spend $550,000 in federal stimulus money to construct a skateboard park at a local school.

When a local official was asked why a city on the verge of bankruptcy chose to spend stimulus money on this particular project, he replied that projects had to be “shovel-ready” to receive funding and that “this is the one we have that is shovel-ready.”

(Sources: )

Weekly Archives
Click on the items below to read previous Weekly Washington Watch reports.

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Week Ten

Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Report Archives
Here are previously featured examples of wasteful spending, click on any item below to learn more:

A Closer Look at the Jobs Numbers
The White House has claimed that their stimulus bill will create or preserve 3.5 million jobs. Yet as the bill is being implemented we are seeing increasing signs that these job claims cannot be substantiated. We highlight some of those stories below:

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