Press Room


June 12, 2002

Statement of Secretary Paul O'Neill Urging Senate Passage of the Gramm-Kyl Amendment to Permanently Repeal the Death Tax

America’s prosperity comes from the millions of individuals who spend their time, their energy and their resources pursuing ideas, setting up new businesses and creating value. Last year, the Congress phased out the death tax, recognizing that innovative entrepreneurs deserve to pass their life’s work to their children, not to the government.

Unfortunately, the death tax repeal enacted last year expires in 2011, after which Washington will step in once again to take part of the legacy created by the individuals who are the backbone of our economy. And because the death tax reappears, too many small business owners today are forced to spend money on estate planning that could instead be invested in job-creating business expansions.

I urge the Senate today to repeal the death tax once and for all, so that today’s small business owners can pass their legacies to their families and thriving enterprises can continue to employ American workers and create prosperity.