immunization awareness logoAugust: Immunization Awareness Month

It's Wise to Immunize

Colder weather is right around the corner, and so too is the risk of catching a communicable disease. This is why MHS and Milvax are teaming up to protect service members and their families during Immunization Awareness Month!
While children are usually the focus of vaccination campaigns, there are other groups for which it is important to get vaccinated. This month we want to focus on some specific at risk groups including service members, infants and new mothers, senior citizens, and school-aged children.

Service Members: Vaccinations are extremely important means of keeping troops deployment ready. Vaccine requirements vary across branches, but commonly required vaccines include smallpox and anthrax.  

immunization graphicInfants and New Mothers: Most new parents are aware that the CDC recommends a series of vaccinations for infants, but did you know new mothers should get vaccinated too? To best protect mother and child, the CDC recommends all new mothers receive the Pertussis (DTaP) immunization. For more information download this parent's guide from the CDC. Also be sure to check out these common questions about infant immunizations. View this fact sheet for information about vaccine safety.

Senior Citizens: Although the Pneumococcal vaccination is most often recommended for young children, the CDC recommends it for anyone 65 + or for severe asthmatics and smokers. Additionally, the shingles vaccine is highly recommended for older adults.
School-Aged Children: Keeping up with back-to-school vaccinations can be quite challenging. Be sure to check your school’s requirements and consult your pediatrician. In addition to the required immunizations, the CDC now recommends that young teenage girls receive the HPV vaccination to prevent HPV and many forms of cervical cancer.

Adolescent or Adult? Take this quiz to find out what vaccinations you might still need.

Click here for a schedule of recommended vaccinations. (PDF)

Use this page to find a wealth of health care, research, education and training resources from throughout the MHS concerning immunizations.

Immunization Month E-Cards

Use these E-Cards to remind your loved ones about the importance of getting immunized!

Instructions to send an e-Card:

1. Click on the slideshow below

2. Click on the card you want to send

3. When you get to Flickr, click the "create a greeting card" link under the picture.

4. Don't forget to share these cards on your blog, Twitter or social network accounts!

Resources Across the MHS and Its Partners

Getting Your Benefit

tricare logo

TRICARE Immunization Benefits – TRICARE covers age-appropriate doses of vaccines, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention. 

MHS Organizations, Department of Defense and Beyond

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The Military Vaccine Agency (MILVAX) - The Military Vaccine (MILVAX) Agency works to enhance military medical readiness and protect human health, by synchronizing information, delivering education, enhancing scientific understanding, promoting quality, and coordinating military immunization programs worldwide. Questions? Contact them at 877-GET-VACC.

immunization university logo Immunization University –  A service of MILVAX, provides training and materials for health care workers to make every immunization an excellent one.
armed forces health surveillance cetner logo

Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center – AFHSC performs comprehensive medical surveillance and reporting of rates of diseases and injuries among DoD service members.

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Force Health Protection & Readiness – Immunization Research and Resources - Immunizations are important tools that help protect the health of military personnel during their service. Whether it is a disease spread person-to-person in recruit training, or from the bite of an infected mosquito during deployments, or from exposure to a biological or chemical warfare agent, vaccines provide a safe and effective means of countering the threats to personal health and military readiness.

hooah4health logo

HOOAH4Health - Deployment Immunizations and Information

military infectious diseases research program logo

Military Infectious Diseases Research Program (MIDRP)  - The mission of the Military Infectious Diseases Research Program (MIDRP) is to protect the U.S. military against naturally occurring infectious diseases via the development of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines, drugs, and diagnostic assays and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved vector control protection systems (to prevent transmission of infections by insects, ticks, etc.)

onesource logo

Military OneSource -Military OneSource is a one-stop, 24/7 resource for service members and their families. Check out the following articles on immunization related topics.

navy and marine corp public health center logo

Navy & Marine Corp Public Health Center (NMCPHC) - Immunizations Information -  A clearinghouse of resources about immunizations from the NMCPHC.

pandemic flu watchboard logo

Pandemic Influenza Watchboard - In an influenza pandemic, the DoD's mission is to preserve the U.S. combat capabilities and readiness and to support U.S. government efforts to save lives, reduce human suffering and slow the spread of infection.

army center for health promotion and preventative medicine logo

U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine (CHPPM)

vaccine healthcare centers network logo

Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network - The Vaccine Healthcare Centers (VHC) Network supports Warrior Care, Emergency Preparedness, and Military Readiness of the Department of Defense by acting as a specialized clinical support system for the development and implementation of programs, research, consultation, and services that enhance vaccine safety, efficacy, and acceptability. It serves as a center for military vaccine healthcare support and case management of vaccine adverse events, providing global access to clinical expert consultation services, which are available at all times and in any emergency. Contact the DoD Vaccine Clinical Call Center 24 hours a day 7 days a week at 1-866-210-6469 or log on to

veterans health administration logo

Veterans Health Administration National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP) - Resources for Veterans and the Public – Immunizations/Vaccines See also Clinician Resources

More Information

center for disease control logo

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

flu dot gov logo – Know What to Do About the Flu

vaccine education center logo Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Vaccine Education Center provides complete, up-to-date and reliable information about vaccines to parents and healthcare professionals. We provide videos, informational tear sheets, and information on every vaccine.
immunization action coalition logo

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) – Heavily funded by the CDC, the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) works to increase immunization rates and prevent disease by creating and distributing educational materials for health professionals and the public that enhance the delivery of safe and effective immunization services. The Coalition also facilitates communication about the safety, efficacy, and use of vaccines within the broad immunization community of patients, parents, health care organizations, and government health agencies. Check out Needle Tips, IAC’s semi-annual newsletter on immunizations for all ages!

Immunization Action Coalition information papers on specific diseases:

Shingles (PDF)

Pneumococcal (PDF)

Pertussis (PDF)





Messages and Updates


Immunization PSA thumbnail

It's Wise to Immunize PSA

Vaccinate Your Children video thumbnailVaccinate Your Infants and Children


Dot Mil Docs: It's Wise to Immunize

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