image of father, mother and daughter carrying groceries into the house U.S. Food and Drug Administration - April 2000

Progress and Perspective

Food Safety Initiative
FY '99 Annual Report

image of family eating breakfast

(PDF format - 1.2 MB)

Making Progress Towards a Safer Food Supply



Food Science — Perspective and Progress An Interview with Robert Buchanan, Ph.D. Food Safety Research Begins on the Farm
Sprouts Safety — A High-Priority Area in FY 99
Researching Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Unpasteurized Juice
Baseline Data Gathered on Production of Fresh Produce in FY 99
Three Risk Assessments Undertaken in FY 99
The Joint Institute for Food Safety Research
SURVEILLANCE AND OUTBREAK RESPONSE PulseNet — Blending DNA, Computers and the Internet
The National Food Safety System Project — Improving Coordination and Communication FDA Assists Guatemala in Improving the Safety of Berries
National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System
U. S. Representatives Visit Mexico to Discuss NARMS
FDA Funds 23 Food Safety Task Forces
REGULATORY PROGRAMS ORA -- Protecting the Nation's Food Supply at the Local Level
Seafood Safety in FY 99
Voluntary National Retail Regulatory Standards Tested
FDA Using High-Tech Tools for Inspections and Assessments
Reducing Foodborne Illness from Eggs: A Comprehensive Approach
The Safety of Imported Foods -- An Overview
Imported Produce 1,000 Sample Survey
FDA-Customs Service Working Together for Imported Food Safety
BSE Educational Activities Gain Vice Presidential Award
EDUCATION Expanded Producer Education Program for GAPs
Food Safety Training and Education Alliance — Making Progress in FY 99
Food Code "Train the Trainer" Courses Held in FY 99
Keeping Vulnerable Seniors Safe from Foodborne Illness
Few Consumers Understand Risk of Eating Raw Eggs
What's Cooking? National Food Safety Education Month — September 1999
Bringing the Farm-to-Table Food Safety Initiative to Classrooms Nationwide
FDA Support Grows for Partnership for Food Safety Education
FDA Public Affairs Specialists Create New Education Projects with FSI Funds
FDA's New Outreach and Information Center Ready for Business
FDA Awards Food Safety Grants in FY 99


Multi-lingual Materials on Produce Safety Initiative Completed
International Conference Held on Safety of Fresh Produce
Training Provided to Improve Produce Safety in Central America
International Meetings Held on Produce Safety
U.S. and Mexico Formalize Food Safety Cooperation
FDA Staff Provides Expertise to Americas Region
Looking to the Future

  Jane E. Henney, M.D
Commissioner of Food and Drugs

Joseph A. Levitt
Director, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Dennis E. Baker
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs

Stephen F. Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine

Daniel A. Casciano, Ph.D.
Acting Director, National Center for Toxicological Research

Laura Fox/ Writer Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food Safety Initiative

Marcia Meltzer/ Design
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Printed copies are available from the Outreach and Information Center, 200 C St., SW, HFS-011, Room 2810, Washington, DC 20204.

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