Vehicle Operations

All motor vehicles are required to be utilized a certain minimum amount of mileage per year  based on the functional assignment they are given. Here is a list of Vehicle Utilization Codes.


There may be circumstances where a vehicle may not seem to fit any of the codes developed in conjunction with the Motor Vehicle Advisory Council (MVAC), however, there is likely a code in the list that best fits the functional use of the vehicle. Call SFM if you have any questions.


All vehicles are required to have a code assigned and it is the statutory responsibility of SFM to report on the utilization of the entire fleet every fiscal year. Generally, this only applies to permanently assigned vehicles and only to those, which have been assigned to the same department or division for the entire year.


There are tools that you can use to project the level of vehicle utilization throughout the year by logging into the MyFleet Web interface to CARS and pulling up the Utilization Report. This report is more meaningful later in the year after more use data has been collected. Remember, if a vehicle is projected to have less than 100% of it's required miles, it may turn up in SFMs annual Under Utilized report. If a vehicle has, for example, 7 times it's required minimum mileage (700%) it may have the wrong utilization code assigned.


If under-utilization cannot be satisfactorily explained or justified, assignment of the vehicle may be forfeited. Also, vehicles that are under-utilized in consecutive years may have their assignments revoked.



Accident Form

Commuter Authorization Form

Note: This web site is provided for procedural guidance only and is not meant to be a comprehensive summary of rules or statutes. Go to the Division of Central Services (DCS) for current rules and statues.