Emergency Roadside Assistance

In the vehicle packet of every vehicle should be a National Automobile Club (NAC) card. This service is for AFTER HOURS emergencies only. The first rule when on the road is safety. If your vehicle is disabled and you find yourself in an unsafe situation, get to safety at once! If necessary, contact law enforcement and alert them to any road safety compromises.

During business hours contact SFM 800-356-3846. explain the situation and Fleet personnel will make arrangements as warranted. If it is after hours NAC might be the correct call to make 866-329-3471 (account number: 8503758-000); use the fuel card for this service. If safety is NOT a concern, determine if you are able to solve the problem yourself. For example:


  • If you've run out of fuel: Is there a fueling station within safe walking distance?
  • Vehicle Overheats: NEVER remove an overheated vehicle's radiator cap, but can you wait for the vehicle to cool down and drive a short (less than 2-3 miles) distance to a shop?
  • For a flat tire: NEVER drive on a flat or damaged tire. Are you capable of changing a tire yourself?
  • For a dead battery: Is there someone around that can jump start you provided you know how to use jumper cables?
  • If you're locked out: Does someone nearby have a spare key (SFM does not keep spare keys for vehicles).
  • If a self-service option is not possible AND it's after hours, then call NAC.

Remember: You are responsible for knowing about spare tires and jacks as well as monitoring the fluid and fuel levels in the vehicle you operate. If the battery is low, call Fleet to authorize a replacement. Same for tire treads. Watch your fuel and fluid levels. If there is neglect of your responsibilities, your agency may be billed directly for emergency or other services.

Note: This web site is provided for procedural guidance only and is not meant to be a comprehensive summary of rules or statutes. Go to the Division of Central Services (DCS) for current rules and statues.