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NASA Spitzer Space Telescope • Jet Propulsion Laboratory
• California Institute of Technology
• Vision for Space Exploration
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Frame Frame Spitzer Images Frame Frame
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Astronomical Images
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— Zoomable Images
Artist Conceptions
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Background Graphics
— Chronological
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Launch Images
Satellite & Hardware
JPL Multimedia
Image Use Policy
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Images from Spitzer
This section contains images collected from Spitzer's three instruments.

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NEW: Zoomable Images
Some of our images are too big to appreciate on a computer monitor... but now you can zoom in and see all the detail.

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Artist Conceptions
Images of both Spitzer and the objects it is observes can be found here.

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Animations and videos relevant to the Spitzer mission, including animations of Spitzer images and science results, artist conceptions, and background videos and the launch of Spitzer in the infrared.

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Background Graphics
Helpful diagrams explaining the science behind Spitzer, mission information, and other useful graphics.

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Images of the Spitzer launch, the launch vehicle, and events surrounding launch.

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Spitzer Satellite and Hardware
Images of Spitzer itself and its components.

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Images of the facilities where the mission is actually carried out.

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JPL Multimedia Presentations
Flash, audio, video, and slideshows about Spitzer created by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Featured Image:
Latest Spitzer Images

Archive of Old Online Galleries

The Spitzer Space Telescope is a NASA mission managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This website is maintained by the Spitzer Science Center, located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology and part of NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center. Privacy Policy

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