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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Inspector General





                        IT IS ALSO THE RIGHT THING TO DO!


What is “occupational fraud”?

“It is the use of one’s occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s resources or assets.”

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) 2008 REPORT TO THE NATION on Occupational Fraud and Abuse found that U.S. organizations lose 7% of the value of total operating revenues to fraud.  Applied to the City of Albuquerque FY08 revenues of over $900 million, this figure is $63 million in fraud losses. 

Despite increased focus on anti-fraud controls, occupational frauds are much more likely to be detected by a tip than by audits, controls or any other means.  Over 50% of tips come from employees, which is why we are calling on you to report misconduct by employees, managers and public officials.  Together, we can become a community that strives to do the right thing.


Did you know?

  • Occupational fraud schemes frequently continue for years before they are detected
  • Lack of internal controls is most commonly cited as the factor that allowed fraud to occur
  • Occupational fraudsters are generally first-time offenders
  • The most common cited behavioral red flags are perpetrators living beyond their means or experiencing financial difficulties at the time of the frauds

The Accountability in Government Ordinance requires all city officials, employees and contractors to promptly notify the Director of Internal Audit and Investigations of every instance of theft or other disappearance of cash, check, or property, of misfeasance or nonfeasance, defalcation, improper governmental actions as defined in the Whistleblower Ordinance and non-compliance with federal and state law, city ordinances and city regulations of which they are aware.

Ways to report fraud:


Confidentiality is where the communication between a person and an investigator is privileged and may not be discussed or divulged to third parties. In those jurisdictions in which the law makes provision for such confidentiality, there are usually penalties for its violation. Read the Fairness and Confidentiality Statement

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